
Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Switzerland still top tax haven, US jumps to No. 3

Switzerland has retained its top spot in the financial secrecy index (FSI) 2015, unveiled by the Tax Justice Network (TJN) on Monday . Switzerland is followed by Hong Kong, the US, Singapore and the Cayman Islands. The biggest surprise is the US, which has climbed to third place from sixth place in FSI-2013.Countries such as Switzerland, the US, Singapore and Germany that figure in the top 10 list of FSI-2015 (and are perceived as actively promoting secrecy in global finance) are also among the top 10 FDI investors to India.
TJN's biennial FSI ranking is based on a combination of a country's secrecy score and a scale-weightage based on the country's share in the global market for its offshore financial services. Thus, for instance, even though Mauritius (India's top FDI investor) has a secrecy score of 72, it is ranked lower at 23 as it accounts for less than 1% of the global market for offshore financial services compared to Singapore. India's second largest FDI investor, Singapore, has a lower secrecy score of 69 points but is ranked at fourth position.
Other top investors in India like the UK, Japan and the Netherlands have an FSI rank of 15, 12 and 41, respectively. Among the notable FDI investors in In dia, countries such as Mauritius, Switzerland and the UAE have a secrecy score of more than 70.
According to Tax Jus tice Network (TJN), “Switzerland stays at the top of the index and for good reason: Despite what you may have heard, Swiss banking secrecy is far from dead, though it has curbed its secrecy somewhat.“
As regards the US, TJN's communication states, “US is more of a cause for concern than any other individual country , because of both the size of its offshore sector and also its rather recalcitrant attitude to international co-operation and reform. Though it has been a pioneer in defending itself from foreign secrecy jurisdictions, aggressively taking on the Swiss banking establishment and setting up its technically quite strong Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), it provides little information in return to other countries.“
According to tax experts, the FACTA agreement entered into with India provides for reciprocal exchange of information, but it's too early to comment on the information that will be shared by the US.
Singapore and Germany , which also figure in the top 10 list of FSI-2015, are also among the top 10 investor countries for India. Germany's laxity in tackling illicit money and also in spearheading EU's resistance to public access of country-by-country reporting by multinational corporates has been pointed at.
Liz Nelson, TJN director, adds, “None of the reforms we've seen would have taken place without pressure from civil society and the streets.G7 and G20 leaders will do nothing unless pushed from below. So it's essential to keep up the pressure, especially on matters such as implementing public disclosure of company ownership and, crucially , of trusts.“
For the full report, log on to
Source: Times of India, 3-11-2015

Monday, November 02, 2015

Economic and Political Weekly: Table of Contents

Wrong Solutions

The increase in sexual crimes needs deeper analysis, not knee-jerk reactions.

Bitter Battle over a Sweet

Geographical Indication protection for the rosogolla fails to appreciate the nature of artisanal production.
The proposed surrogacy law should not be a hurried "look-good" response from the government.
As sterilisation scandals abound, a consensus is emerging for a shift away from sterilisation towards a larger "basket" of contraceptive choices and concomitant improvements in service delivery. That such a shift needs to take place is...
What makes India special is the fact that it has always had multiple traditions of written and oral, text-based and homespun ideas that have been deep and thought-provoking, creative and exquisitely beautiful. The tradition of freedom of speech...
A left public sphere, the site of rational debates and democratic politics, is virtually a thing of the past today. A failure to engage with traditional identities like caste and religion and the inability to grapple with the changes in the post-...
In 2004, the then newly elected state government introduced a policy to provide free electricity to farmers during off-peak hours to help activities like irrigation. This policy was heavily criticised due to the costs it entailed as well as its...
The Indian Railways has big plans for speeding up its trains. It has invited foreign collaboration to kick-start high-speed trains. However, its current crop of trains labelled as superfast just cruise along at an average speed of 55 kilometres...
Book Reviews
Saving Wild India: A Blueprint for Change by Valmik Thapar; New Delhi: Aleph Book Company, 2015; pp 145, Rs 499.
Book Reviews
When Godavari Comes: People's History of a River--Journeys in the Zone of the Dispossessed by R Umamaheshwari, New Delhi: Aakar Books, 2014; pp 486 + xviii, Rs 595.
The Hindu notions of purity and pollution, inextricably linked with the caste system and the practice of untouchability, underlie the unsanitary practices in Indian society. These beliefs perpetuate the oppression of the "polluted castes," who...
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
This paper explores the voice of the urban middle-class youth in the current struggle against patriarchy, focusing on Hyderabad. Within this broad topic, it focuses on the group 'Hyderabad for Feminism', and the kinds of questions,...
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
This paper highlights the escalating incidence of sexual violence against Dalit girls by Jats in contemporary Haryana, and the extraordinary struggles unfolding in the battle for justice. Details from a few cases through fact-finding visits and...
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
The Delhi gang rape of 2012 is a milestone in the way in which Indian media covers the crime of rape. This paper examines how the mainstream Hindi and English print and broadcast media has handled such coverage since then. It looks at how the...
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
From faint beginnings in scattered solitary actions in the 1990s, the activities of men's rights activists have emerged in India as a well-organised social movement. They denounce feminists with a broad brush, portend the impending doom of...
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
After a prolonged campaign for criminal and civil laws to curb domestic violence, the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 came into force. However, lasting solutions to the problem continue to be elusive, as the grim statistics...
Review of Women's Studies / Review Issues
This paper explores the relationship between torture and sexual violence. As I understand it, sexual shaming, humiliation and hurt are inalienable aspects of torture inflicted on men, women and transpersons. In this sense, torture is nothing but...
Special Articles
Investments through participatory notes in the Indian stock market have been a cause for concern for policymakers. It is argued that P-Notes did play a role in attracting foreign investments, when suitable instruments were unavailable in India....
Special Articles
The common and strongly-held view in India is that balanced fertiliser use requires three major plant nutrients, namely, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, to be used in the ratio of 4:2:1, and any deviation in fertiliser use from this norm...
Special Articles
Politics around food has been drawing scholarly attention, especially after state governments run by the political right-wing banned food items. This article draws upon local culinary practices in Bengal and its cultures of food. It shows how...
Economic Notes
There is concern that corporations have borrowed too much, and that therefore bank balance sheets are strained as well. Contrary to this popular view, it is argued here that the company finance data of the corporate sector in general does not...
Reports From the States / Web Exclusives
The mithun’s significance among the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh is widely known. In this article, the author explores the vicissitudes in the socio-economic importance of the mithun and why efforts should be made for their preservation....
Web Exclusives
As Myanmar prepares for its third elections under its third constitution in 67 years, this article looks at the evolutions of its electoral practices and its constitutions. The complex rules ...

For a truer decentralisation

Despite its uneven history in India, decentralisation is vital to strengthen participatory democracy, facilitate responsive governance and enable public service delivery.

Much has been written on decentralisation in India though, on the ground, there is very little to show despite the 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments. The rationale for decentralisation comes from the need to strengthen participatory democracy, facilitate responsive governance, ensure greater accountability and enable public service delivery according to diversified preferences of the people. The possibility of greater visibility and linkage between revenue-expenditure decisions is supposed to ensure greater responsiveness and accountability. There are some who advocate decentralisation as an end itself while others take this as a means to strengthen the democratic fabric through participatory governance and responsive and accountable public service delivery.
M. Govinda Rao
The history of decentralisation in India is somewhat chequered. Although the village panchayats as institutions of governance and justice existed for a long time, the founding fathers of the Constitution were not keen to empower them. Dr. Ambedkar was apprehensive that in the hierarchical society with highly skewed nature of asset and power distribution, vesting more powers at the village level would only perpetuate exploitation of the dispossessed. Not surprisingly, the Constitution placed local governance in the State List (Entry 5). Thus, administrative, political and fiscal decentralisation was entirely left to the discretion of the State governments. Rajiv Gandhi wanted to energise the local bodies in rural and urban areas to make them the institutions of self-government by effecting 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments. Part IX was inserted into the Constitution with Article 243 (A to O) specifying matters such as the constitution, elections and the functions to be devolved for panchayats under Article 243 and for urban local bodies under Article 243 P to ZG. Schedules 11 and 12 were inserted into the Constitution detailing the indicative list of functions to be devolved to panchayats and municipalities by the State government. Article 243 I and Y mandated the appointment of the State Finance Commission by the Governor every five years to balance their functions with funds. Article 280 was seeded with an additional term of reference (TOR) to the Union Finance Commission to take cognisance of the resource requirements of local bodies. However, the role envisaged in this seeding is only tangential or supplemental.
There are five important issues for understanding the legal framework for the decentralisation process in the country. First, the Constitution assigns decentralisation including funding entirely to the discretion of State governments. It does not clearly assign the functions or sources of finance, but leaves it entirely to the discretion of the States. While this may be to evolve the system of decentralisation appropriate to a State considering the strength of its history, economy and capacity, it also hinders the process. Article 243 (G and W) relating to the powers, authority and responsibilities to rural and urban local bodies merely specifies that the State government “….may, by law, endow the panchayats and municipalities with powers and authority to enable them as institutions of self-government and such law may contain provisions for the devolution of powers and responsibilities upon these bodies subject to such conditions as may be specified therein, with respect to the preparation of economic development and social justice, performance of functions and implementation of schemes entrusted to them including those specified in the 12th Schedule”..It is entirely left to the States to decide, what and how much powers and functions should be devolved to the local bodies.
Secondly, the constitutional framework does not (and perhaps should not) prescribe any pattern, standard or model of decentralisation which again is left to the discretion of State governments.
Third, there are no easy mechanisms to ensure compliance of even the prescribed provisions of the Constitution by the States. Most States have not complied with the requirement of having to appoint gram sabhas (243 A), ward committees (243 sabhas) district planning committees and metropolitan planning committees. There have been several attempts to postpone elections though they are required to hold them well before the expiry of the prevailing elected body or before six months if the body is dissolved for some reason, as required under 243 K and U. The States are required to appoint a Finance Commissions every five years and their reports are required to be placed in the legislatures with the action taken reports. Unfortunately, the States’ record in this regard has been pathetic. Their record of appointing the State Finance Commissions and actions on their reports shows complete violations of Article 243 I and Y. The State legislatures are required to make laws to ensure maintenance of accounts and auditing of such accounts by panchayats and municipalities. The record of experience is that these provisions have been observed in their violation rather than compliance in most of the States.
Fourth, on the financial side, local bodies do not have any independent revenues. There is no separate list of tax bases assigned to them in the Constitution and they have to depend on the State governments to levy the taxes that the States choose to devolve. There is also the problem of administrative capacity and interest groups resisting payment of taxes and user charges. Unlike in theory which states that the Wicksellian link is stronger at the local level as the people can the relate the tax payments to services rendered, in actual practice, free-rider behaviour permeates and influential groups would somehow like to pass the burden of financing services to the non-residents.
Does the framework allow the Union Finance Commission to act as a champion of decentralisation? While one would like to think that an organic link is provided to it by seeding an additional term of reference in Article 280, a careful reading of the Article shows that the role is confined to “…recommendmeasures to augment the Consolidated funds of the states to supplement the finances…” of local bodies on the basis of the recommendations of the State Finance Commissions” (emphasis added). When the Constitution itself does not prescribe any particular type or standard of decentralisation and when the language of the additional TOR clearly shows that the Commission is only required to recommend measures to augment the Consolidated Funds of the States to supplement the resources of local bodies, how can the Commission arrogate itself into undertaking a larger mission of championing decentralisation?
In this context, the criticism that the Fourteenth Finance Commission (FFC) did not continue the decentralisation reform initiated by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) needs explanation. Specifically, while the TFC initiated a package of conditionalities for availing the performance grants which was not continued by the FFC. The important features of the TFC recommendations included linking the grants to local governments to previous year’s divisible pool of taxes and linking a significant proportion of the grants for performance. The performance grants were linked to a list of 13 conditions to be fulfilled by the State governments intended to further the process of decentralisation. In contrast, the FFC while recommending a much higher level of transfers, did not see Constitutional validity in linking the transfers to the divisible pool. It continued the performance grants, but linked them directly to the actions by the panchayats and municipalities rather than the State governments. The conditions were simple, of merely preparing the audited statement of accounts and incentives for raising their own resources.
Thus, the FFC in its report explained that it did not carry on the scheme of rewards and punishment because truthful adherence to the Constitutional framework did not permit it to do so. As stated in the Report, “…Under the Constitution, the State legislature has the discretion to assign functions to the panchayats and municipalities. We note that ….. the Constitutional provisions give primacy to the role of the States in this regard, by placing local government squarely in the State List. …. In our view neither the TOR nor the Constitution permits the Finance Commission to play any role in the devolution of powers to panchayats and municipalities or to promote a particular model of decentralisation .” (Para 9:63; p.111). It is another issue that only a fraction of the performance grants recommended by the TFC were actually utilised and the Union government was the beneficiary in the process!
That of course, begs the question as to who will champion decentralisation. First, it is important to have clarity in the assignment of functions and the local governments should have clear and independent sources of finance. Second, there should be clear mechanisms to ensure that States comply with the constitutional provisions, particularly in the appointment and implementation of the recommendations of the SFCs. Third, sustainable decentralisation comes from the demands of the people and advocacy should focus on a decentralisation agenda. Indeed, the framework needs to be evolved to accommodate the demand for decentralisation. Even within the existing framework, it is important for intellectuals and the press to pressurise the States to comply with the Constitutional provisions like creation of planning authorities and appointment SFCs, if necessary through public interest litigations. The SFCs have an important role to play which can be fulfilled only when State governments take them seriously.
(M. Govinda Rao is an Emeritus Professor,of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy and was a Member of the Fourteenth Finance Commission. Comments at
Source: The Hindu, 2-11-2015