
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

UPSC is more about conceptual clarity than just mugging up, says expert

 UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is without a doubt, one of the most highly-competitive and prestigious tests in the country. Every year, several lakhs of aspiring candidates fill out the applications for different exams under the UPSC, but only a few succeed in cracking it.

The UPSC exams’ uncertain nature, its mammoth syllabus size, along with the fact that there are only around 1,000 vacancies in total, often make preparing for it a very daunting experience for candidates.

Moreover, the exam has three stages - preliminary exam (objective), main exam (written), and interview (personality test). Therefore, just mugging up the several topics and points around the syllabus is not going to be enough for success in it.

Rather, candidates must prepare for it thoroughly understanding all concepts, and replicate their learnings in the actual examinations to do well.

Here are some expert tips for candidates to follow:


One of the biggest challenges of the UPSC CSE is that candidates need to go through an extensive list of topics in various fields to have a chance of success.

However, while it may seem like a mountain to climb, proper planning through the help of scanning the entire syllabus goes a long way in preparing for the exams.

Scanning the UPSC syllabus helps you in understand your core strength areas as well as the things that you need to work on. Once, you’ve understood that you can follow it up by checking previous years’ question papers. This will help you in knowing where you stand in terms of learning and how much time you need to prepare for the exam.


Memory power is indeed a key ingredient in cracking the UPSC CSE examinations. However, it is equally important to be able to comprehend each topic and explain it in proper detail under the strict word limit and time restrictions.

Often, candidates rely on many guides and handbooks to study for the exams during the early stages. Instead, you should refer to standard textbooks to develop a proper understanding of each topic.

The road to UPSC success starts with picking suitable source material, as in the case of the school-level NCERT books. You should start with these books to have a comprehensive understanding of the basics. Once you have mastered it, you are free to move to other source materials.


Just reading for the exams will not cut it if you want to crack UPSC. You must focus on your writing skills as much as your reading. Attaining high marks in the Main exams is dependent on your writing ability. You not only need to write fast to attempt all questions, but the writing also needs to be grammatically correct.

You don’t need to be a literary genius to have excellent writing. All you need to do is to practice writing in such a manner that you are able to smartly explain, discuss, and elaborate answers to complex questions in simple and jargon-free language.

If you feel your handwriting is difficult to read, you must practice writing at least 500 words on a daily basis from the get-go. Later, you can start attempting questions from the previous years' papers and mock tests.


Candidates appearing for the UPSC Mains examination are required to have a thorough knowledge of different fields like history, general knowledge, politics, and others.

To secure high marks in the Prelims, Mains, and even the interview, it becomes crucial for candidates to have a good understanding of the Indian Constitution.

There are around 450 Articles in the Indian Constitution, and while you don’t need to remember all of them, it is very essential to have a clear-cut understanding of all the political concepts to ace UPSC.

The candidates must be thoroughly briefed about the nature and salient features of the Indian Constitution, which includes Fundamental Rights, judicial review and activism, federalism, Separation of Powers, and others.

A clear understanding of Article 1, Article 3, Article 14, Article 19, Article 21, Article 25, Article 32, Article 51A, Article 54, Article 55, Article 72, Article 161, and Article 280, is crucial before attempting the exams.


The UPSC CSE syllabus can often be intimidating for any candidate. Often, it takes strict and dedicated long hours of studying for more than a year for candidates to cover the entire syllabus.

However, even when you’ve managed to finish it, you need to follow it up with timely revisions to not forget what you learned. This can be very physically and mentally taxing, and therefore, it becomes crucial for all candidates to devise techniques around it.

This can be done by developing successful shortcuts wherein you seek the best method of summarizing long texts, making quick notes, and explaining them.

Moreover, you can also follow a timetable, set daily targets, assign strict revisions daily, and also practice answer writing for prelims and mains every now and then.

Source: Telegraph, 29/12/22

International Year of Millets (IYM) 2023

 The Government of India has sponsored the proposal for the International Year of Millets (IYM) 2023, which has been accepted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). This has given the Indian Government the opportunity to celebrate the IYM and position India as the global hub for millets. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also shared his vision for the IYM to become a “People’s Movement”.

What are Millets?

Millets are small-seeded grasses that are often referred to as “Nutri-cereals”. Some common types of millets include sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), finger millet (ragi), little millet (kutki), foxtail millet (kakun), proso millet (cheena), barnyard millet (sawa), and kodo millet (kodon). These grains are a staple cereal crop for millions of smallholder dryland farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and offer a variety of benefits such as nutrition, income, and livelihood for farmers. They can also be used for food, feed, fodder, biofuels, and brewing.

Significance and Benefits of Millets

Millets are nutritionally superior to wheat and rice due to their higher protein levels and a more balanced amino acid profile. They also contain various phytochemicals which have therapeutic properties due to their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. In addition to being climate resilient, millet grains are rich in nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, and good-quality fat; minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, and B complex vitamins. Importantly, millet production does not depend on the use of chemical fertilizers, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly option.

India’s Prioritization of Millets

  • In April 2018, millets were rebranded as “Nutri Cereals” in India, and the year 2018 was declared as the National Year of Millets with the goal of increasing promotion and demand for these grains. The global millets market is expected to have a CAGR of 4.5% between 2021 and 2026.
  • The Indian Government has recognized the significant potential of millets and has prioritized them, aligning with several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In December 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations hosted the opening ceremony for the International Year of Millets – 2023 in Rome, Italy, which was attended by a delegation of senior government officials from India.
  • In the lead-up to the year-long celebration of the IYM, the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in India hosted a special “Millet Luncheon” for Members of Parliament at the Parliament house.

Activities for the International Year of Millets

Several Indian ministries and states have planned activities for the IYM in January 2023. The Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs has planned 15 activities over 15 days, including engaging sports persons, nutritionists, and fitness experts through video messages, conducting webinars on millets with leading nutritionists and dieticians, and promoting millets through the Fit India App.

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries will be organizing Millet Fair-cum-exhibitions in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh, and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) will hold Eat Right Melas in Punjab, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu.

Assam Achieves Zero Poaching of Endangered Rhinos

 For the first time in nearly 45 years, Assam recorded zero poaching of endangered rhinos in 2022. These animals, known for their valuable horns, were poached 191 times in Assam between 2000 and 2021. The highest number of incidents occurred in 2013 and 2014, with 27 rhino deaths each reported. In 2020 and 2021, two rhinos were killed each year. The last time no poaching was reported in Assam was in 1977.

Coordinated Efforts by State Departments

Officials attribute the success in reducing rhino poaching to the sincere, concerted, and coordinated efforts of the state’s forest and police departments. Upon taking office in May 2021, the special director general of police (law and order), G P Singh, made it a priority to implement zero tolerance towards rhino poaching. In June 2021, a special task force was created with Singh as its head and 22 senior police and forest department officials, including chief wildlife warden MK Yadava.

Previously, the forest and police departments worked independently to address wildlife crimes such as poaching. The task force was established to coordinate the fight against poachers. Yadava reported that the coordinated efforts have been effective, stating, “We have intelligence both from forest and police sources about activities and movements of poachers, which helps in action against them.”

Database and Use of Technology

The task force compiled a database of past incidents of rhino poaching, including details of when, how, and where they occurred. Information was also collected on the entry and exit points used by poachers to access Kaziranga, Manas, Orang, and Pobitora, as well as the identities of all criminals associated with rhino poaching. The task force used this information to take tough action against poachers, including the deployment of armed commandos and the use of technology, such as drones and dog squads, to track poachers’ movements.

Assam’s One-Horned Rhino Population

Assam is home to nearly 2,900 one-horned rhinos, making it the largest habitat for this vulnerable species. According to the State of the Rhinos Report 2022, the total population of one-horned rhinos, found only in India, Nepal, and Bhutan, is 4,012. Poaching has long been a concern in Assam’s national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, with poachers linked to international wildlife parts smuggling gangs responsible for 191 rhino deaths since 2000. In 2014 and 2015, the highest number of poaching incidents occurred, with 17 each year. The number of rhinos killed decreased in subsequent years, with 18 in 2016 and only one in 2021.

Government Commitment to Zero Poaching

The BJP-led government, which was reelected in May 2021, made a commitment to achieving zero poaching. This issue was also raised in the election manifestos of the Congress party and other political parties. In June 2021, the state government established a 22-member task force headed by GP Singh and deployed armed commandos to vigilantly and strictly combat poachers. The task force included senior forest officers and SPs from 11 districts and six wildlife divisions, as well as armed commandos from the police and state forest personnel. These resources were deployed in the core areas of rhino habitats, including Kaziranga, Manas, Orang, and Pobitora. The use of drones and dog squads helped to track poachers and bring them to justice.

Delimitation of Constituencies in Assam

 The Election Commission of India (ECI) recently announced that it had commenced the process of delimitation of state assembly and parliamentary constituencies of Assam. The last delimitation in Assam happened in 1976. The current delimitation exercise is being conducted based on the 1971 Census.

What is the delimitation exercise?

  • Delimitation is the process of redrawing boundaries of state assembly seats and the Lok Sabha seats to represent the changing population numbers.
  • The main purpose of the delimitation exercise is to ensure equal representation to equal segments of a population.
  • Since the population does not increase uniformly, delimitation reflects the changes in the distribution of the population over a period of time.
  • In Assam, the population stood at 1.46 crore in 1971. In 2001, it has increased to 2.66 crore. The population did not increase uniformly across all areas of the state.

What is Delimitation Commission?

  • The Delimitation Commission is an independent commission responsible for conducting delimitation exercises.
  • It is set up by the Central Government under the Delimitation Commission Act.
  • This commission jointly works with the Election Commission of India (ECI) to conduct the delimitation.
  • It includes a retired Supreme Court Judge, the Chief Election Commissioner and the respective state’s State Election Commissioners
  • It functions without any executive influence. Its orders are final and cannot be questioned before any court as such actions would postpone elections indefinitely.

How is delimitation carried out?

Article 82 of the Constitution requires the Indian Parliament to enact a Delimitation Act after every Census. Once this Act is in force, the Central Government must set up a Delimitation Commission.

The Delimitation Commission is required to determine the number and boundaries of constituencies in such a way that the population of all seats are same, as far as it is possible. It is also tasked with the identification of seats reserved for SCs and STs.

Monday, January 02, 2023

Quote of the Day January 2, 2023


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
Robert Frost
“जंगल में दो राहें अलग हुईं, और मैंने कम सफ़र की जाने वाली चुनी, और उससे ही सारा फ़र्क पड़ा है।”
रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट

Proposal to Shift from “Minimum” to “Living” Wages

 The Union Labour Ministry is currently mulling to shift from the “minimum wages” to “living wages” in a bid to bring more people from poverty in the country.

What is a living wage?

The term “living wage” is the theoretical income level that enables an individual or a family to afford adequate shelter, food, healthcare and other basic necessities. It is the minimum income of that helps support a satisfactory standard of living and prevents individuals from falling into poverty.

How is the living wage different from minimum wage?

  • A living wage is defined as the minimum income necessary for workers to meet their basic necessities. It is different from the minimum wage, which is based on labor productivity and skill sets.
  • Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money a laborer can earn as mandated by the law. It does not change based on inflation. It can increase only with the government intervention. This is not true for the living wage.
  • The living wage is determined by the average cost to live comfortably, while the minimum wage is the fixed amount set by the government.
  • The difference between the minimum wage and the living wage can range between 10 and 25 percent based on the cost of living in a specific place.

About India’s decision

The Indian government is considering to shift from the minimum wage to the living wage to eliminate poverty in the country. If such a shift happens, it would have significant financial implications for India and the government. It will make Sustainable Development Goal commitments easily achievable.

India is planning to receive assistance from the International Labour Organization (ILO) to understand what constitutes a living wage since it is highly subjective. The ILO member states, including India, have recently requested the ILO to contribute to the improved understanding of living wages by undertaking a peer-reviewed research on the theoretical concepts and theoretical estimations.

Economic and Political Weekly: Table of Contents


Vol. 57, Issue No. 53, 31 Dec, 2022


From the Editor's Desk

From 50 Years Ago

Strategic Affairs


Book Reviews


Special Articles

Current Statistics

