
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Aug 14 2014 : The Times of India (Delhi)
Beti... drive in 100 dists with worst sex ratio
New Delhi:

Maneka Sets 2-Yr Deadline For Implementation
Hundred districts with the worst child sex ratio across the country will be the cradle for the ambitious `Beti bachao, beti padhao' scheme that envisages a mix of cash transfers with stringent action against erring medical practitioners and monitoring of health clinics.“We are working on district-specific plans for the 100 worst sex ratio districts.
There will be a two-year deadline for its implementation,'' women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi said. The ministry will work in tandem with the ministries of health and education on the scheme. The Modigovernment had allotted Rs 100 crore for the scheme in the Union Budget. India has one of the worst sex ratios, earning the title of the “country with missing girls“.
Child sex ratio (0-6 years) in India was 927 girl children per 1,000 boys in 2001 which dipped to 919 girls for 1,000 boys in 2011, the lowest since Independence. A Unicef report in 2012 ranked India 41st among 195 countries.
“There is a continued belief that the girl will cost her parents whether it education or dowry , that she is not safe and that she will not earn for the family . But these excuses cannot go on. It is time to deal with this problem,“ Maneka said.
Officials said best practices from across the country will be adopted. Some of the examples include West Bengal's system of enabling cash transfers at periodic intervals for the child's education. In Punjab, pregnant women were registered in their first trimester so that authorities could monitor cases of feoticide, WCD secretary V S Oberoi said. The ministry is also considering Tamil Nadu's “amma-baby kit“ to encourage institutional deliveries.
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