
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sep 13 2014 : The Times of India (Delhi)
JUST IN JEST! - From `Ladies First' To First Ladies

Women aren't the power behind the throne, often they're beside or on it
Thanks to the feminist demand for a level playing field, the old-fashioned chivalrous courtesy of `ladies first' whether extended as an invitation to enter a room first, or take precedence on the lifeboats of a sinking ship ­ is increasingly being viewed as male condescension towards the so-called `weaker sex'. This token of male patronage is deemed to be part and parcel of a patriarchal society in which women who try to wear the pants are described as `bossy', while men who do the same are looked up to as `Boss'.In a reversal not just of words but of roles, the term `ladies first' is fast changing to First Ladies, suggesting that whether in the corporate world or in the political realm, women are often not just the power behind ! the metaphorical throne but are right beside it, if not on it. India has its share of both business and political czarinas. But the spotlight is currently on the First Lady from China whose impending visit is causing a stir.
When Chinese President Xi Jinping makes an official passage to India he is likely to be accompanied by his wife, Peng Liyuan, who is widely regarded in her country as being more famous than her husband. Thanks to the huge fan following she has gained as a renowned singer, a talent that elevated her to the rank of a senior officer in the People's Liberation Army. Though the Chinese songstress need not necessarily call the tune on the home front, during her visit she will receive star billing along with her spouse. The official chorus of `HindiChini, bhai-bhai' could find a counterpart in the unofficial refrain of `Chini-Chini, Xi, Xi'.
The Chinese First Lady has already been compared with her American counter part Michelle Obama, whose current popularity rating in the US tops that of her husband. Barack is being barracked because he's seen as irresolute about policy on embattled West Asia, among other issues.
First Ladies have been known to make their partners and colleagues play second fiddle. It was famously said of Britain's `Iron Lady', Margaret Thatcher, that she was `the only man in her cabinet', a left-handed compliment that might equally have been applied to Israel's Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi.
Indira Gandhi's daughter-in-law, who is said to have inherited some of the mannerisms and not a little of the populist ideology of the older Mrs G, declined to be a prime minister and chose instead to be an accomplished puppet-master, who wielded power by proxy. After the last general elections, with both the sun and the Son seemingly having set on Congress, perhaps it's time for India's so-called First Family to bring forth another First Lady . And Priyanka needn't even wait for someone to say `ladies first'.