
Friday, February 20, 2015

the speaking tree - Are You Disconnected From Your Power Source?

When we play a game, we often become so engrossed in it that we forget everything else. Similarly, we become so engrossed in our daily lives that we forget who we really are. That forgetfulness cuts us off from our true power.In a parable, the vine provides nutrients and life to a branch without which the branch can’t produce fruit.
A branch without its vine is merely a dead twig. We, too, must connect to a flow of energy from a power greater than our own.
For those of us connected to a spiritual path, the guru is the vine, the source of the power that sustains us.
When we cut ourselves off from the source that sustains us, we are left with only the power of ego. The ego has its realm, mainly in a small area of human activity involving will power, intellect, choice and the ability to function in society. But if we consider the many basic bodily processes that aren't under our conscious control, such as breathing, circulation, digestion, and the beating of the heart, we see that there is a deeper power sustaining us.God does nearly everything, leaving only the tiniest part to us.
It reminds me of my granddaughter when she was three years old. We'd assemble all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle except the last one. She would then turn that final piece many different ways and eventually , with a sense of great accomplishment, put it in place and say, “I've done the puzzle!“ We're like that. God does 999 pieces of the puzzle, and when we put the last piece in place we say , “I did it all myself.“
Our egos are like little jets of flame on a gas burner: each one has the appearance of individuality; each is, in fact, but a spurt of the unifying gas underneath. As our consciousness expands, we become more and more aware of our connection to the Divine Source. Real spiritual growth begins when we recognise that true source.
To open ourselves more To open ourselves more fully to that source, we need to realise first that we have much more inner strength when we realise ­ that the energy , intelligence and will we're using come from an infinite ocean. Our will power is like a faucet. As we open up the valve, more and more water flows through.
Second, we have to connect to the deeper, more expansive parts of ourselves. This we can do by overcoming the delusion that we alone are the doer. God is the Doer through us. Third, we need to attune our consciousness to the guru who could help us realise our divinity . By attuning to his consciousness, we draw his grace.
Fourth, we need devotion. It is through the love of our hearts that we open a channel to that sustaining power. Grace then comes in, like sunlight through a window, and changes our consciousness.
Finally , we need to meditate deeply .In meditation we can experience God's energy as the sound of Aum or as light. We expand not only by contacting that power, but also by offering ourselves into it. It's like the branch and its leaves offering energy back to the vine that sustains it.
As we deepen our connection with the Divine, finally , we learn that there is no “I and Thou“. There is only the one Source. Then, with a flood of love, we re-establish our union with God and find our true power.