 | | 17th - 18th Aug, 2015. Singapore Call for Papers |
Global Conference on Business Management (GCBM) 2015 intends to serve as an ideal platform for a global audience of academics, researchers, and scholars to present their research work and/or on-going research activities in the field of Business Management; industrialists, policy-makers, practitioners and entrepreneurs to improve their research and development and business applications, to gain more knowledge of the challenges of global businesses, global business strategies and best practices.
Discuss the latest research, present before an international audience in a supportive environment, network, engage and build relationships and experience Asia. The Global Conference on Business Management (GCBM) 2015 is to be held in the cosmopolitan city of Singapore, a dynamic city with a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, arts and architecture. Brimming with unbridled energy, this city state in South East Asia embodies the finest of both East and West. |
Visit Singapore 2015 |
Visit Singapore Tourism Board's YourSingapore website for a detailed list of happenings around town. |
What can you expect at 2015 GCBM? |
We make a concerted effort to provide participants with ample opportunities to interact and seek new directions in the broad area of Business Management. |
- Reception for international attendees
- An intellectually stimulating scientific program featuring more than 100 presentations by leading researchers, teachers, and practitioners
- Opportunities to attend special sessions which include in-depth workshops on the latest innovations in practice
- Special plenary sessions that capitalize on our unique location including topics on East-West science and practice collaborations
- A full day of theme-track programming featuring compelling TED-style talks centered on ways we can expand business thinking and applied research
- Two Research Awards will be selected in each sessions for:
- Best Research Paper Award - Best Student Paper Award
- Closing reception featuring Asian food, shopping and entertainment
Find Out More |
Visit the (GCBM 2015) Website
Need Further Assistance? Please contact our Conference and Academic Manager
Mr Tan Lee Ming | Tel: (65) 6720 3333 | leeming@aventisglobal.edu.sg |