
Monday, May 18, 2015

Indian-origin professionals most successful in UK: Study

People of Indian origin are most likely to be in elite professional and managerial roles in Britain, a study based on official census figures has found.According to a detailed analysis of the 2011 census, Indians are the most successful ethnic minority group with 15.4% found in class 1 of eight occupational groups, comprising higher managerial, administrative roles as well as professions like doctors and lawyers.They are followed by those of Chinese origin at 12.8%, The Sunday Times reported.
However, if students are excluded, the figures rise to 17.8% for Indians and 19.1% for Chinese, while men from Indian and Chinese backgrounds are almost twice as likely as their white British counterparts to be in higher managerial jobs.
By contrast, just 6.6% of all Pakistanis and 4.2% of Ban gladeshis make it into class 1.For black Africans and black Caribbeans the proportion is 7.5% and 6.2% respectively , and for those of mixed race it is 10.3%. Ethnic minorities fare particularly well in health care, with 41% of doctors coming from an ethnic minority , particularly Indian or those classed as other whites.
The study , to be officially released later this week to coincide with the launch of the Demos Integration Hub (DIH), also found almost half of Bangladeshi men worked in restaurants and a quarter of Pakistani-origin men were taxi drivers.