
Monday, June 01, 2015

Economic & Political Weekly: Table of Contents

India's Killer Heat Waves

Heat waves do not kill, poverty and governmental apathy do.
The polls later this year will be Myanmar's first true electoral challenge after the 1990 vote.
Strategic Affairs
The Chinese strategy is to build rail and road links over the Eurasian landmass to escape the vice-like grip over maritime trade routes exercised by the United States and its allies. An exploration of the possible consequences, drawing on history...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has managed to break the ice and give a positive push to the perceptions about India-China relations on the street. The challenge remains whether he can build on this to address the long festering border dispute and...
The census and National Sample Survey both provide employment and unemployment data. This article identifies broadly comparable indicators of employment, underemployment and unemployment from the two data sets and finds that Census 2011 estimates...
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's recommendations on concentration of media ownership alone will not address the need for plurality of views in the media. The author argues that a regulatory framework must go beyond diversity of media...
The government has not taken the outbreak of influenza virus seriously enough. While it had managed to curtail the spread of the H1N1 virus in 2010, it has not put in place the public health measures which would collect data and allow for...
Book Reviews
Poverty and Progress: Realities and Myths about Global Poverty by Deepak Lal; New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015; pp xi and 248, Rs 495.
Book Reviews
The Rani of Jhansi: Gender, History, and Fable in India by Harleen Singh, Cambridge University Press, 2014; pp 199 hardcover, Rs 548.
Privacy enjoys an abundance of meanings. It is claimed in diverse situations every day by everyone against other people, society and the state. Traditionally traced to classical liberalism's public-private divide, there are now several...
Review of Urban Affairs / Review Issues
By using the enormous processing capacity of computing that is now available, we can, it is claimed, improve how cities are governed--make them smart! This review attempts to illuminate how data reveals relationships between citizens and the...
Review of Urban Affairs / Review Issues
Data analytics is a frontier field where the tools and techniques are still being developed. Expertise, a critical input, is in short supply, the other being access to data. Even so, Colombo-based LIRNEasia has demonstrated the value of mobile...
Review of Urban Affairs / Review Issues
Where one lives matters because patterns of spatial inequality shape the horizons of urban lives. They also critically affect urban policies, especially in large metropolitan cities where intra-urban differences can be of very large magnitudes....
Review of Urban Affairs / Review Issues
Using ward-level data released by the census, the paper carries out a study of residential segregation in the 10 most populated Indian cities. It finds that there is significant residential segregation by caste and also by access to in-house...
Review of Urban Affairs / Review Issues
Sub-city typologies could enable a better understanding of urban heterogeneity. Ward-level Population Enumeration Data, and Houselisting and Housing Census Data from the 2011 Census is here used to construct sub-city typologies for Bengaluru....
Review of Urban Affairs / Review Issues
With an increased policy emphasis on slum surveys, the story of such surveys in Delhi assumes importance, including the "power to survey" vested in the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board. There is a need to closely analyse the way in...
Special Articles
This paper presents estimates of farmers' incomes from agriculture over the past three decades. The income earned by farmers from agricultural activities after paying for input costs and the wages for hired labour has seen low to high growth in...
Special Articles
Existing theoretical perspectives, whether Marx's primitive accumulation or Harvey's accumulation by dispossession, are not adequate for understanding the political economy of land dispossession under capitalism--in India or elsewhere. This paper...
In the revised series of National Accounts (base year 2011-12), the sectoral coverage of the private corporate sector has been widened to include quasi-corporations, while the Central Statistics Office has begun compiling an estimate of the...
As undertrials continue to languish in Indian jails, only humaneness in prison reform can alleviate their condition of unfreedom—and set free their creative genius.
The use of hidden cameras in private spaces like changing rooms shows how the male gaze objectifies women in an act of chauvinistic aggression.
If music be the food of love, play on, said the Bard, whose emotions are echoed in this piece by a hopelessly romantic wanderer.