
Thursday, June 11, 2015

the speaking tree - Who Killed Young Achiever Sarvshreshth Gupta?

The story of Sarvshreshth Gupta, a 22-year-old high flying investment banker from Delhi who was found dead in a parking lot in San Francisco, was splashed across the media recently . It is not only tragic but also a warning of what can happen to any youngster chasing a dream at the cost of everything else.Who killed Sarvshreshth? All evidence points to the culprit being stress. Predictably , it has kicked off a debate on how stressful working conditions are in the US financial sector.And this kind of work environment is spreading across the world.
That stress can kill is common knowledge, yet many tend to ignore it or brush it aside. And there are those who get addicted to it. Adrenalin junkies actually seek out stressful experiences as a source of motivation or fun.But when chronically exposed to a state of `fight or flight', stress takes its toll. An estimated three out of four visits to the doctor are stress related.Lissa Rankin, author of Mind Over Medicine, writes, “Our bodies know how to fix broken proteins, kill cancer cells, retard ageing, and fight infection. They even know how to heal ulcers, make skin lesions disappear and knit together broken bones! But here's the kicker: those natural self-repair mechanisms don't work if you're stressed!“ Above all, stress impacts the way we think, feel and behave, leading to a negative self-perpetuating cycle that is hard to escape. In the award-winning documentary Stress Portrait of a Killer, neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky reckons, “Stress is ...dangerous and humans can't seem to find their off-switch.“ When his stress was peaking, Sarvshreshth reportedly wrote to his father, “This job is not for me. There's too much work, and too little time. I want to come back home.“ I wish Sarvshreshth knew the other way of getting `home' and resting, without flying from San Francisco to Delhi.Meditation and other spiritual practices help you to do just that.
“As it's almost impossible to reduce the workload and increase the time, the only option we are left is to increase the energy level within us. When we have enough energy and enthusi asm, we are able to handle any challenge,“ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says.
With practise of yoga and meditation one can turn the body into a powerhouse by tapping the inner source of energy . It's now known that the amount of energy that one gets tation is much more than in in meditation is much more than in sleep. Twenty minutes of meditation can equal to eight hours of good sleep.This formula could have easily solved one of Sarvshreshth's problems that he was working 20 hours at a stretch and not getting enough sleep.
True to his name, Sarvshreshth has left behind the best lesson how not to become a victim of stress and die an immature death. Before he gave up, he reportedly contemplated quitting his job and rejuvenating himself. I again wish the outstanding education he received also taught him how to invest and divest in life! Indic spirituality offers plenty of ways of rejuvenating oneself without quitting the world! Like Sri Sri often says, “The body dropping you is death; and you dropping the body is meditation.“
It's time we all learn the art of dropping the world for a few minutes every day before it drops us. And its rejuvenating effect can only make us a better player in the world. Let us hope youngsters today learn how to overcome stress. Kill stress before stress kills you.
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