
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Economic and Political Weekly: Table of Contents

Life beyond Debt

The Greek crisis and referendum have laid bare the politics behind economic strictures.

In the Name of the Mother

The Supreme Court allows an unwed mother to be the sole legal guardian of her child.
Threats to journalists coupled with insidious forms of news control represent another type of censorship.
Margin Speak
The Hindutvavadis have been desperate to co-opt Ambedkar as a saffron icon. But, as an editorial in their mouthpiece, Organiser, justifying the Ministry of Human Resource Development-foisted "derecognition" of the Ambedkar-Periyar Study...
There has been a major change in the composition and mix of the cattle population in India. The proportion of male cattle has declined sharply as farmers do not fi nd it worthwhile to maintain bullocks to plough holdings that are becoming smaller...
The parking of India's foreign currency reserves in dollar-denominated securities has compromised the country's monetary independence, leaving it especially vulnerable to a change in the United States Federal Reserve policy.
India's trade deficit with China widened from $23 billion in 2010 to $35 billion in 2013, accounting for 25% of India's total trade deficit. What is driving this widening of the trade gap and what options does India have to close the gap...
This article examines the problems faced by students of international studies/politics in India. It argues that the discipline is finding it difficult to severe its apron strings with the state, and students are hamstrung by a lack of theoretical...
An urban architect who was a friend of the residents of the city and the environment, Charles Correa was more than a builder of sustainable houses and offices. He was a quintessential Bombaywallah, one who put forward eminently sensible solutions...
Charles Correa was not just a master architect, he also engaged in public causes in Mumbai. Yet, his vision mostly failed to find a response from the planners, or was sabotaged.
The Gujarat Control of Terrorism and Organised Crime Bill, 2015 does more than violate fundamental civil liberties; it is a dangerous instance of the state transgressing the constitutional limits of its lawmaking powers. The federal distribution...
Special Articles
This paper attempts an empirical understanding of the role of mobile money in replacing cash among migrant workers in South India. The study finds that four distinct outcomes explain why both agents and clients trust these systems. They are the...
Special Articles
The fight against institutional communalism in India alerts us to a challenge bigger than merely inflicting electoral defeats on Hindu communal parties and organisations. Even if such parties are defeated electorally, institutional Hindu...
Special Articles
The sustained rates of China's economic and industrial growth, along with the country's ability to become the world's factory, can be attributed, at least in part, to its educational reforms. China was able to realise the potential benefits of...
The failure of solar installations in India is not primarily due to poor maintenance or lack of money, materials and skilled manpower as argued in "Solar Energy for Rural Electricity in India: A Misplaced Emphasis" (EPW, 13 December...