
Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Speaking Tree - Free of Past and Future

Living in the present is the only way to live. It is in the present moment that we touch base with our inner selves and come to terms with outside reality . The now is a continuum from the irretrievable past to the embodied future.In life, we continually say goodbyes to our past situations and circumstances and our reactions to them. At the same time, in the now, we plan and perfect a future that we want to ensure for ourselves. The now is present in all that we enjoy and each moment expands our inner consciousness.
As the day progresses, we encounter both good and bad. We choose in each moment to strengthen the good in us and to weaken the low, so that the now acts as a bridge from one good experience to another.
When we choose to live our lives by dwelling in the past and with our attention riveted on a future that has not yet arrived, forgetting the present, we lose the precious now that is in the moment. Experience the richness of the present moment where there is flow of existence. We learn to live from moment to moment. Nature knows no past or future, except in our human consciousness.
If we remain in the now, we are open to enjoying all that is given to us as gift during the day . The now will never let you down, because you are responding to it from your own inner being, which gives pattern and harmony to the now.