Here's the list of 8 words added to Oxford
Dictionary's June edition
We share with
mid-day readers a list of 11 words that were added to the Oxford English
Dictionary’s (OED) June edition
>Arre (interjection): Used to express a
range of emotions and commands, esp.annoyance, surprise, or interest, or to
attract someone’s attention. [Firstrecorded in 1845]
>Batchmate (noun): A member of the same graduationclass as another;
a classmate. Also used in Philippine English. [1918]
> Revert(verb): To answer in speech or writing; to reply. [1973]
> Topper(noun): The leading student in a particular class, school, exam, etc.; ahigh-achieving student. Frequently with preceding word. [1971]
> Yaar(noun): As a familiar form of address: friend, mate. [1963]
A few more that we bet you didn't know werein the OED:
> Biodata(noun): Biographical details, esp. summarising a person’s educational andemployment history, academic career, etc. Used chiefly in North America andSouth Asia. [1947]
> Videshi(adjective): In India: foreign; coming from a country other than India. [1980]
> Papad(noun): poppadom [1813]
> Revert(verb): To answer in speech or writing; to reply. [1973]
> Topper(noun): The leading student in a particular class, school, exam, etc.; ahigh-achieving student. Frequently with preceding word. [1971]
> Yaar(noun): As a familiar form of address: friend, mate. [1963]
A few more that we bet you didn't know werein the OED:
> Biodata(noun): Biographical details, esp. summarising a person’s educational andemployment history, academic career, etc. Used chiefly in North America andSouth Asia. [1947]
> Videshi(adjective): In India: foreign; coming from a country other than India. [1980]
> Papad(noun): poppadom [1813]
Source | Mid Day | 3 August 2015