
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Speaking Tree - Detached Love

All religions enjoin humans to live unselfishly . Every unselfish action takes us a little closer to the Supreme Consciousness. On the other hand, every selfish action acts as an obstruction to our finding the Divine Truth. A philosopher lives with the knowledge that the world is a delusion. The unattached worker has love for the universe in his mind.He treats all duties as means with which selfishness may be overcome. A sincere worker need not believe in God or mukti; yet, he finds the Ultimate Truth by unselfish work.A nurse loves the employer's baby . Even then, if she is asked to leave, she does just that and begins work again in another household, looking after another baby . Be like the nurse, Ramakrishna advised, and know that God is our employer. When one works with detachment and freedom, then there is no tension.
But thinking that the world needs our help gives rise to attachment, arrogance and pain. It is the giver who is blessed, not the receiver. A mother loves her children selflessly .When one can give to the world like a mother, only then can one realise Divinity through work. Absence of love for the work you do makes it a boring exercise. When the mind is disciplined and detached, working will mean relaxation.
One need not go on a holiday just in order to take a break from work -work itself should be treated as relaxation.Holidays should be a passage from one joy to another and not from boredom to joy .