
Monday, August 31, 2015

the speaking tree - Ways To Overcome Negative Emotions

There are two aspects to emotions. On the one hand emotions are our greatest strength and on the other hand, emotions are also our greatest weakness.There are two types of emotions ­ positive and negative. Positive emotions are associated with love, affection and compassion while negative emotions are associated with anger, greed, violence, hatred and selfishness. It is always necessary and better to enhance positive emotions and try to overcome negative emotions.Negative emotions destroy and damage the physical and psychological personality of a person. Negative emotions make the person selfish, self-centered and aloof.They increase the stress level of a person.Such a person thinks negatively most of the time and so there is no positivity in their life. Negative people are usually jealous by nature. They plot and plan on taking revenge; they become abnormal and obnoxious. They do not have a good word for any one or any situation. They only see the dark side, so they lose out on their creativity and fail to generate good will.
Emotion is often associated with mood, temperament, personality, disposition and motivation. Cognition is an important aspect of emotion. Negative emotions can be any feelings which make you miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself and others and they take away your confidence. They can hamper our enthusiasm for life depending on how long we let them affect us and the way we choose to express them.
The Bhagwad Gita teaches us to control our emotions and remain cool and calm. According to the Gita, all emotions, whether positive or negative, are generated in the mind only as per external stimulus. Soul is entirely different from mind. When we connect soul with mind, we feel the qualities and emotions of this mind.
For emotional balance, never react suddenly to anything. First think, then try to find out facts, assess the situation and then give your opinion or take action. Never be judgmental. Try to find out positive things or reasons in negative and adverse situations also. Always try to speak positive things. Emotional balance is genetic as well as acquired. It also depends on your group or friends circle.
If you are surrounded by negativethinking people who are always complain ing and criticising others, then you too tend to think negatively.So try to be in the company of positive people. Emotional balance occurs when we allow ourselves to feel whatever comes up, without stifling it or being overwhelmed by it, and learn to accept our feelings without judgment. Emotional balance is vital for personal wellbeing and the health of our communities. The path to freedom is paved with positive emotions. Negative emotions prevent inner transformation. Always avoid confrontation, try to find out the middle path. Negative emotions create negative aura and spread negative vibes from the person who has negative emotions. Prayer, meditation, faith in God and kind heartedness help you remain positive. Adverse conditions or tough times come in everyone's life but nothing is permanent. As the good time passes, in the same way bad times will also pass.
Have faith in God, as it protects us from negative emotions, negative psychology, negative thinking and negative perception. Negative emotions makes the person sadist by nature, he never wants to see others happy. Such persons have complaints about God also. When they are in difficult situations they ask God, `Why me in this situation?' They forget their fun times. They never said `Why me?' when they went through happy times.