
Monday, September 21, 2015

Economic and Political Weekly: Table of Contents

Politicising the Military

Political missteps and administrative mismanagement have opened a Pandora's box.

Munnar Upheaval

Women workers pose questions to managements, trade unions, political parties--and men.
The Cobrapost expose of the Ranveer Sena calls for an overhaul of how such crimes are prosecuted in court.
Amaravati, the planned new capital of Andhra Pradesh, is to be set up in a highly fertile, multi-cropped area in the Guntur-Krishna belt where the water table is just 15 to 20 feet below the surface. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has been...
A close reading of the World Bank's World Development Report 2015 shows that it works on the assumption that human beings generally think automatically, socially, and with mental models, and that future development policy, poverty alleviation...
The proposed amendment to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 hopes to align it with the Right to Education Act, 2009. It prohibits child labour up to 14 years and regulates the employment of children between the ages of 15 and...
The debate around net neutrality in India has focused on safeguarding the rights and freedoms of using the internet, but little has been said about the economics of data transportation and pricing. This article argues that just like physical...
The fiscal deficit numbers are often managed in undesirable ways. This article recalibrates the fiscal deficit numbers for the combined finances of the centre and the states, and then for the centre in the last 10 years in which fiscal...
A tribute to M M Kalaburgi, the eminent scholar of the history of Karnataka and the language of Kannada, who was assassinated in Dharwad on 30 August.
Book Reviews
Shifting Ground: People, Animals, and Mobility in India’s Environmental History edited by Mahesh Rangarajan and K Sivaramakrishnan, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014; pp 418, Rs 875.
Book Reviews
Partitioned Lives: Migrants, Refugees, Citizens in India and Pakistan, 1947–1965 by Haimanti Roy, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012; pp xii+254, Rs 695.
Through a discussion of the build-up to the 1975 Emergency, what happened then and thereafter, and of the run-up to the 2014 elections and the first year of the Narendra Modi government, it is argued that in spite of all its deficiencies, India...
Special Articles
Minerals are a commons, held by state governments in public trust for the people, especially for future generations. With mining, states dispose of minerals for money, and have so far lost more than half their value. As this study shows, over the...
Special Articles
Examining the different phases of growth and distribution of cooperative credit in Maharashtra between the 1960s and 2000s, this paper tries to understand the multiple dimensions of the phenomenon in the state—across regions, crops,...
Special Articles
Drawing on research in Namakkal District in Tamil Nadu on the Kongu Vellala Gounder community, which has a history of daughter elimination, it can be seen that the effects of daughter deficit unfold, not in isolation, but amid changing economic...
The Darjeeling Hills and surrounding areas were merged with West Bengal in 1947. This article argues that the formation of Telangana opens the door for accepting the century-old demand of the Indian Gorkhas for a separate homeland. It also argues...
Continuing the debate on intersectionality (EPW, 25 April 2015 and 15 August 2015), this comment raises the issue of the institutional life of intersectionality as illustrated by women's studies in the United States.