
Tuesday, September 01, 2015

the speaking tree - A Brief for Mosquitoes

The science that is based on antagonism towards nature always thinks in the language of destruction. Take, for instance, the mosquito that causes malaria. Aristotelian science says, exterminate the mosquito if you want to be rid of malaria. This is the language of destruction. But it is very likely that there is something that is conducive to life that comes with the mosquitoes. If the mosquitoes are destroyed, this will stop coming.Mosquitoes can be useful to life in other respects also, but this we can only know after their compete annihilation.Then perhaps we shall have to try and replace them again! If Lao Tzu was faced with the problem of eradicating malaria, he would never think in terms of destroying the mosquitoes. He would have suggested two methods. A change of attitude towards the mosquitoes or a change in man's physical system to make him immune to malaria.
There are always two ways to any problem. Now, for instance, it is sunny outside. One way is, that I use the umbrella to keep the sun away . In that case, I treat the sun as my enemy and I prevent its rays from reaching me.
There is another way also: I can make my body so strong and healthy that it can withstand the rays of the sun. Lao Tzu would say , “Make your bodies strong. Then you will feel the sun to be your friend, for, it is never so sunny as to be unbearable to a healthy body .The sun seems a foe only to weak and unhealthy bodies.“