
Monday, October 12, 2015

Economic and Political Weekly: Table of Contents

Monetary Policy Transparency under Uncertainty

The central bank's rate reduction is consistent with its infl ation targeting approach.

Burying Grass-roots Democracy

Educational cut-offs for panchayats discriminate against women and the poor.
When the reality of a fractured society back home gets elided into a homogeneous "people of Indian origin."
H T Parekh Finance Column
The Labour Party of the United Kingdom (UK) was defeated in the 2015 general elections on 7 May. The next day, the leader of the party, Ed Miliband, resigned from his post and triggered the 2015 Labour Party leadership election. The election...
Power for All is the new programme to provide 24×7 electricity to the entire population by 2019. There have been many such plans in the past which have failed. What have we learnt from those experiences? There remain many concerns about the...
One of the most striking features of the report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Investigation on Sri Lanka, 2015 is its consistent effort to be even-handed in its view of Government of Sri Lanka and Liberation Tigers of...
India needs to find an optimal patenting regime that will safeguard incentives for innovation while simultaneously ensuring that medicines are available at reasonable prices.
What are the challenges in providing quality education in hilly and tribal areas? This article argues that the current educational structures, even when properly implemented, may not meet the needs of students in such areas. Based on a field...
In the important (and controversial) area of prices for natural gas there are relentless efforts by deeply vested interests to obfuscate facts and misinform this impoverished and energy-starved nation about how prices should be set and what they...
China's rapid growth has been based on the intense exploitation of the working class, ruthless environmental degradation, and exports to the global capitalist market. However, all three conditions required for China's capital accumulation have...
Book Reviews
Interrogating Inclusive Growth: Poverty and Inequality in India by K P Kannan, New Delhi: Routledge, 2014; pp xx + 310, Rs 795.
Persistence of Poverty in India edited by Nandini Gooptu and...
Book Reviews
India's Look East Policy and the Northeast by Thongkholal Haokip, New Delhi: Sage India, 2015; pp xvi + 190, Rs 795.
The Look East Policy and Northeast India by Gorky Chakraborty and Asok...
What do feminists want? What visions of an ideal society have we conceptualised or dreamt of? What are the possibilities and limits of iterations of a feminist futurity? Even as we ask, however, we are brought up short by a more...
Special Articles
Describing the relocation of the patronage-based relationship between the state and the private sector in post-liberalisation India, this article goes on to address the consequences of this relationship for democracy. It points out that the...
Special Articles
This paper first makes a comprehensive assessment of the performance of states in the post-reform period in terms of growth as well as reduction of income poverty and multiple deprivations. It then investigates whether there is any systematic...
Special Articles
Despite widespread and substantial household expenditure on private tutoring in many developing countries, not much is known about their effects on learning outcomes. The main challenge in estimating such an effect is that the decision to send...
Macroeconomic data shows a lack of improvement in the incremental capital-output ratio along with diminishing total factor productivity in India's services sector--surely a warning. If far-reaching measures are not taken, India may soon be unable...
This comment points out an erroneous assumption in the calculations and central argument of Rajakumar and Shetty ("Gross Value Added: Why Not the Double Deflation Method for Estimation?," EPW, 15 August 2015) that reverses almost all...
Riding on the exponential power of networks, godmen and charlatans like Guruji exploit the fraternal feeling amongst fellow followers to offer specious solutions. 
As a society, the Japanese exhibit exquisite politeness and immeasurable hospitality in the manner in which they deal with visitors and guests. 
At his death bed
He said
‘I have no beef with you
Dear neighbours
Just an advice...