
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Practise All You Learn

How do we actualise and fructify our acquired knowledge?
First, we need to realise and accept gracefully that at a very deep and invisible level, we all are kindred souls. Hence, each one of us is a co-creator in whatever good or bad is happening in the world. We all bear an equal responsibility .Here, it is relevant to mention cosmic consciousness -expounded in the Upanishads -which pervades the entire universe and forms a substratum for all living entities to connect with one another.In the hurly-burly of life, we tend to lose touch with our inner core, which is an integral part of cosmic consciousness.To connect with our pure, divine and blissful Self, we need to meditate regularly .
This practice can lead to supreme serenity , clarity of thought and sharp intellect. This state of mindfulness and quietude is conducive to our being aware of the nuances of our behaviour -are we actually incorporating our wisdom in our day-to-day dealings?
Secondly , an honest, unbiased self-appraisal done occasionally can keep us on the path of righteousness. Are we following what we learn? If we do, then we can be the positive change we wish to see in the world. Once we take the first step, others are likely to follow.Normally , we make a mental note of whatever knowledge we assimilate. It is best to write down salient points and revise them when possible. This way , wisdom will permeate our daily behaviour. If we practise goodness on a regular basis, it will become a way of life.