
Friday, June 10, 2016

Overcome Addiction

The reason why many indulge in substance abuse is because they are unable to deal with life's problems. Or their expectations are unrealistic. Depression and anger, sadness and frustration are further fuelled by drug-dependency , alcoholism or both. Daniel Goleman in Emotional Intelligence says that it is the lack of application of intelligence to emotions that makes one lonely and depressed, angry , unruly , prone to worry , more impulsive and aggressive. A scientific assessment of the emotional and spiritual mind has emerged more recently , trying to understand why we can be reasonable one moment and irrational the very next moment.Goleman attributed it to two minds: one emotional and the other rational; one that feels and one that thinks. He argues that emotional mind is far quicker than the rational mind, making split-second decisions without reflection of the consequences that can be bewildering to the analytically inclined rational mind.Spiritual teachers like Buddha and Jesus touched their disciples' hearts by speaking the language of emotions. Why is improving the emotional quotient (EQ) or imbibing spiritual intelligence (SQ) important? Because it helps us deal with problems in a constructive manner, and deflects us getting addicted to harmful habits like substance abuse.According to Zohar, SQ can be improved by Hinduism's Kundalini Yoga or explained in terms of the lotus model with its centre and six petals.