
Monday, June 06, 2016

The Virtues of Solitude

There's something about solitude... something so very special that can't really be described. You have to experience it, to realise what it is all about, which can only be felt and which can never really be described graphically .No words can describe the potential in solitude. Religious scriptures and philosophers hint at the benefits of spending time all by yourself, even setting aside a few days for `retreat'.Yet, in today's fast-paced world, all that -like taking time off for retreat and reflection -is not taken seriously enough.Actually , it boils down to the need to be left alone, to get wrapped up in your own thoughts and flow of emotions.
Solitude sets you in an introspective mood. It enables seeing and sensing aspects of life with a more dispassionate outlook. For, when you are alone, only then do you see a certain special perspective. For, in your aloneness your constant companion, that inner voice, takes charge. And like other supposed companions, it doesn't let you down nor does it let go of you. Just give importance to that inner voice and see the way it guides you, nudges you, enriches you.... Yes, you've got to be far away .Even if you can't move physically away -that is, seek refuge in remote places or sit all alone -then do so at the mental level. It's all in the mind. It can take you away from the daily disappointments and hurt into a world where there's less friction and turmoil. Savour Solitude. It might help you find answers... and be at peace within and without.