
Friday, July 29, 2016

Towards a Healthier Office Environment?

An hourly stroll can also update one on office gossip faster than social media
Research showing that sitting glued to a desk for eight hours at a stretch is as harmful for health and longevity as smoking should be music to the ears of those hankering for less intense workdays. That it is actually healthier to take hourly five-minute breaks -whether to the water cooler, coffee machine or round the corner -should, however, be communicated first to supervisors as they may otherwise take a dim view of such apparently health-related excursions by staff.The fact that researchers have so far not been able to pinpoint why specifically sitting rather than other sedentary postures are hazardous to health rather weakens the case for frequent perambulations. However, as earlier studies have also shown that standing is no healthier than sitting, sit-stand workstations are not the answer either.Since current thinking on tackling the problem envisages doubling the usual amount of recommended daily exercise, the suggested options are not likely to give much joy to workplace couch (or chair) potatoes. Neither spacing bus stops further apart so that people walk more nor closing major streets on weekends to cars so that people are encouraged to turn to sports or exercise rather than rides to the mall, are likely to find widespread approval. Coolers and coffee machines in far corners could be an acceptable compromise.

Source: Economic Times, 29-07-2016