
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

otal Quality Management

Most of us believe that peace of mind comes from adequate achievements in the external world, despite what spiritual teachers tell us. We nurse a continuing apprehension about the future and towards those whom we perceive as obstructing our way . The Bhagwad Gita points out that one has the right to actions but not to their outcome. Christianity sums it as `Thy Will Be Done', and in Islam, Insha Allah, or `God Willing', refers to a greater Power.Interestingly , this truth has been highlighted in management sciences through subjects like Total Quality Management and Reengineering. The focus in the management disciplines is given to processes and not to results. We are advised that by giving attention to processes and means, the results take care of themselves. Adhering to processes is like abiding to one's dharma, or duty .
Ramana Maharshi clarifies it thus, “All activities and events that a body is to go through are determined at the time of conception. However, one is free not to associate with these events by abiding in one's true state through redirecting one's focus within, either through Self-enquiry or total surrender to the will of the Supreme.“
Doubt may arise as to whether we have this freedom, when we face the travails and uncertainties of life. The answer becomes clear when we understand that this is directed to the individual who is naturally drawn or inclined to spirituality and to the counsel of wise sages.Faith and patience will open your inner eye to the ever-present power of Grace.