
Thursday, November 03, 2016

What We Know Not

You know that a lemon is a lemon by seeing its colour and form.In darkness, you can recognise it by its smell or by touching or tasting it. All physical objects are recognised by the sense organs. But the colour and form of the lemon are mere modifications of the lemon. Each sense organ is capable of recognising only a single modification of an object. What, then, is the real nature of objects?
Scientists have come to know the particles of which things are made but the real nature of objects continues to evade them. Philosophers are also in search of the basic substance of the universe. The universe is composed of waves and it is a modification of its original substance that remains hidden in the waves and modification.The sense organs that catch the waves and modifications are themselves modification of the substance or of its waves.Each one of them can catch only a single modification.No sense organ is capable of comprehending what lies behind the waves or modifications.So, it remains a mystery . The question as to what is beyond the waves is a wrongly framed question. Breath is itself composed of waves. Living bodies are conglomeration of waves.We believe that our bodies are solid. It is not so.
We can perceive the subtle vibrations of our bodies by means of anitya anupreksha, or contemplation on the transitory nature of things. Like the human body , the mind and intellect are also a series of waves. Whatever we know through the medium of waves is composed of waves only .