Meaning of Shivratri
Shivratri is an auspicious night when we receive something very special through the grace of Shiva, by chanting Aum Namah Shivaya. Actually, it does not matter whose name we chant, the main point is that we connect with God throughout the night. When the moth has seen the light, does it go back into darkness? No, it would rather die at the flame. When we have cleansed the outside, our true Self reveals itself, and when this happens, the dissolution of your identity and of your mind occurs. Why do we adorn Shiva with vibhuti? Just to remind us that everything is ash. This body is ash and it will become that ash.
Shiva is a great Yogi, who is seated within each one. That’s why when we say Shivoham, we identify ourself with Shiva. We say Aham Brahmasmi; I am Divine. I am Divine because this is the essence of human nature. When the outside identity is dissolved, the true identity, the Divine identity of who we are, is revealed.
Shiva is sitting in meditation to represent that the mind has to calm itself. As long as the mind is wandering around, there will be misery. But when you have learnt to calm yourself, then God will reveal himself.
When we do abhishekam, we offer the panchamrit that represents the five senses that we surrender to Shiva so he can purify them. We offer flowers, we offer bilva leaves that symbolise the unity of the body, mind and spirit in one. We are offering it outside but in reality, we are asking Him to make us realise this unity of the body, mind and spirit.