
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Saviours in Our Lives

I have often wondered how the right people were in the right place and right time when I most needed their help. At first I just dismissed that as an accident of life and history. Now I think and feel differently. The confluence of life and the presence of significant others, I realise, were not just coincidences but part of a divine plan.
There were a lot of lessons I learnt from people who rejected me and put me down in life. But there were also those who held my hand and walked me through situations that were both painful and worrisome. There were some who stood by me despite the odds; they were present, available, welcoming, kind, detached and impartial. When others were rude and dismissing, they were kind, approachable and just. Life is like that. Through the ups and downs, some things and people remain constant. It is not, therefore, just a coincidence that certain people showed up in my life when I needed them most. When the tides of life become really rough, there will be those who will receive you with compassionate words and balm. When things become really hot, they will form a protective barrier around you. When you are tired and weary of the race, they will light a spark in your life that will reignite you.
In the Old Testament of the Bible, we see how prophets were chosen by God to lead his people through the many twists and turns of history. In today’s world, too, we have modernday prophets who guide us and give us hope and reassurance for the future.

Source: Economic Times, 31-07/2018