
Monday, April 08, 2019

Instruments Of Bhakti

Bhakti is the Hindu concept of supreme love and devotion to the Divine, one of the popular ways of achieving salvation. Translated in Jewish, bhakti connotes the idea and practice of undivided dedication to a single universal Creator of all life and things in the unbounded universe. To be meaningful, dedication has to be expressed in thought, word and deed. In Judaism, the core of prayer is the Amidah or silent prayer, which consists of deep meditation and thanksgiving for the gift of life and all its benefits. Bhaktas express a constant feeling of reverent gratitude for the joy and blessings of life that the Almighty has bestowed upon us. Among Jews, the Hasidim — the pious ones — are those who devote their lives to deeds of charity and strict observance of traditional precepts. The system of Hasidim stresses the virtues of serving the Lord with gladness and singing and of prayerful devotion. It emphasises the importance of ecstatic prayers, humility, cheerful optimism, communion with God and love of fellow creatures. The Shema — the central Jewish prayer proclaiming the Unity of God and the oneness of Creation — is recited with the right hand covering closed eyes, so that attention is closely concentrated on the sublime thought it embodies. The basis of prayer is that man can communicate with his Maker, a personal God who can be sought, found and moved with human entreaty

Source: Economic Times, 8/04/2019