
Friday, September 27, 2019

Stop Fooling Around

How can I know my mind? An alert mind is not a problem; an unaware mind is. The mind projects the future to be fulfilling but misses the beauty of the present. If you are rich, you want to be richer; if you are strong, you want to be stronger; if you are beautiful, you want to be more beautiful. Such a mind does not make you live life, but leave life. Such a mind creates false prayers. You make a ritual out of prayer and pretend to pray. Such prayer becomes an empty gesture. Why am I so greedy? There is a visible world and there is an invisible world. There is a visible self and an invisible self. The visible world is a world of diversity and the invisible world is a world of oneness. If we live on the periphery, we will feel incomplete, but completeness is one’s nature. This incompleteness wants us to be a complete person. But the only track it knows is greed, wanting more. The enlightened masters give us not a dogma but a device to reach this state of completeness. We should stop fooling around with life. Just thinking to be happy is not enough; just thinking to be wise is not enough. It is a luxury to think but it is wisdom to live. Ask yourself: are you concerned with reality or fantasy? There are two ways to know reality. If you want to know objective reality, science is the way out. If you want to know subjective reality, turn to spirituality

Source: Economic Times, 27/09/2019