
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Money and Happiness

The role of money can’t be undervalued; at the same time, it can’t be overrated. Most successful business magnates don’t seem to be born with a silver spoon, and among those who have earned that silver spoon, many don’t seem to always ascent to cloud nine happiness, trapped as they are, in the trifling things of life. Those who ascend to cloud nine do not always seem to stay at that position and those who stay for long at that state don’t always seem to be running after money. It shows there is a distant connection between how much money one has and how long one can experience the bliss. Often, the pain and strain of earning and maintaining capital outgrows the happiness it can earn. The total happiness value money can produce can only be increased when it is shared with the causes that can bring happiness to others in need. Our scriptures say, ‘Let no one face the misery.’ Working for alleviating others’ pain is the simple key to personal happiness, since it takes away the mind from personal pains. Theological writer Hosea Ballou has written, “Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.” According to spiritual wisdom, real happiness is the natural byproduct of ceaseless service to God without any ulterior motives. If we can set aside our ego, then we can truly feel the bliss of the Soul surging in our consciousness. The experience of such a shelter within and sharing of that shelter through an exemplary life and practical help for others can make us truly happy

Source: Economic Times, 22/10/2019