
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Purpose of Challenges 

Problems in life serve a great purpose. When life is without challenges, we tend to take things for granted; we feel that all that comes to us is owed to us, and we develop a sense of entitlement to all of God’s gifts. In this state, we fail to remember God. By contrast, when we are faced with challenges that we cannot surmount on our own, we look to a higher power for help. It is challenges in life that also cause us to question the meaning of life and seek to understand our purpose for being here — all of which serve to ignite a spiritual thirst in us that helps us realise who we truly are, and brings us closer to God. When we learn to take our attention away from the world outside and focus it within through meditation, we are transported into the inner spiritual regions of love and light. Partaking of the spiritual treasures, we experience ourselves as soul, and are able to experience God’s love. Our first priority should be spending time in meditation. In meditation, we find a place of peaceful retreat within us. During that time, we are engulfed in bliss and joy far greater than any we know in this world. We are elevated to a place far removed from pain and sorrow. When we come out of meditation, we are pulsating with loving energy and peace. We then can radiate it to others. We spread that peace by our very presence, bringing calm and relief into the lives of those around us.

Source: Economic Times, 29/10/2019