
Thursday, March 05, 2020

Churning for The Butter

Satsang, the company of spiritually minded people, either in the form of actual get-togethers where spiritual discussions take place, or via social networking platforms, provides the opportunity for churning one’s thoughts and contemplating. During contemplation, our mind raises questions and tries to find answers, thereby increasing the assimilated knowledge. It is similar to a teacher benefiting by teaching a class of students who are interactive and who ask a lot of questions. After the churning, there is no point in simply extracting the butter, you must eat it and experience it. Similarly, the spiritual essence one derives by churning the inputs received, has to be put into practice to experience its benefit for oneself. That is why revered gurus exhort us to experience through actual practice, at least one principle everyday from the spiritual injunctions by saints and seers. It is no good knowing all the spiritual concepts. It is important to contemplate on the applicability of those concepts in every life situation and to actually put into practice the appropriate concept. Who gets inspired to get on to the spiritual path in the first place and how? There is a Divine plan behind it that we may not be able to figure out. The starter (coagulating agent like some curd, lemon juice or gelatin) in the form of an intense desire to pursue spirituality is added to the milk by the Creator Himself or through the medium of a living guru. Those of us who are fortunate to receive this Divine grace should be thankful to the Creator

Source: Economic Times, 5/03/2020