
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Virus Scare & Economy

Global markets saw a free fall as the World Health Organisation declared the coronavirus Covid-19 as a pandemic. Corporations are already struggling with disrupted manufacturing, broken supply chains, empty stores and flagging demand for their wares, and fears of global recession are already looming. But by carefully looking at the current world scenario one could only say that the virus scare is only one among multiple similar triggers that could easily plunge economies to low levels. Global warming and other environmental crises, hostile countries threatening each other, fraudsters, cut-throat competition resulting in tariffs on competitors — each of these pose similar threats to the world economy that seems to be on the brink of one or other crisis because of all these factors. The wisdom of Indic sages contained in a scientific lifestyle were coherently beneficial to body, mind and soul of practitioners as repeatedly proved by various researches. Increased awareness about Indian culture, spirituality and philosophy and sponsoring of research for proving efficacy of the same, is sure to produce interest in more indigenous ways of living and healthy local alternatives. Rather, such wisdom need not be limited to local territory but could be shared with the entire world for its well-being. This will generate more interest towards sustainable local alternatives that can not only fuel growth, generate local employment, improve overall health and raise local community spirit but also avoid adverse environmental effects on the world.

Source: Economic Times, 19/03/2020