Most people reach a stage in life - typically in their forties, fifties or sixties - when they have accomplished a lot and fulfilled many of their aspirations. They have reached the peak of their careers, built satisfying family lives and achieved various personal goals. At this crucial juncture, many begin to reflect on what lies ahead. It's a moment of introspection, sometimes even a mid-life crisis. However, this sense of uncertainty - 'What now?' or 'What's next?' - can, instead, be seen as ..
There is no 'mid-life crisis' unless and until we have lost our enthusiasm or sense of direction. This phase can be seen as a chance to re-evaluate and enrich one's vision. As we move forward, we should strive to set ourselves higher goals, regardless of whether they are spiritual, material or personal in nature. Have confidence in yourself. There is much more to be achieved. Now is the time to expand your horizons and let your actions be driven by love - whether for society, your country or eve ..
Source: Economic Times, 4/02/25