
Showing posts with label Career Alert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Career Alert. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2023

Swiss education provides students with a strong foundation for success in their future careers


Christophe Clivaz, Founder and Director of Swiss Learning, in an exclusive chat with Education Times, talks about the group’s aim of providing students with a broad and diverse education to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century

In 2006 Christophe Clivaz founded Swiss Learning in order to promote the excellence of Swiss education throughout the world. Today, Swiss Learning operates in multiple continents, delivering a personalised service to families who seek schools in Switzerland. For details visit:

Where do you see Swiss Learning in the next 10 years and what is your vision for it?
Swiss Learning has a long history of providing high-quality education to students from around the world, and it is likely that this trend will continue in the future.

In the next 10 years, Swiss Learning aims to further expand its reach and provide access to its educational programmes to an even larger number of students. The schools may also focus on incorporating new technologies and innovative teaching methods to enhance the student experience and ensure that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.

The Swiss Learning schools aim to better prepare students for success in an increasingly globalised world.

The vision for Swiss Learning is to continue providing high-quality education that prepares students for success in their future careers and lives, and to continue to be a leading provider of international education in Switzerland.

What do you think are the qualities/expertise that students from India will be able to bring to your institutions?
Indian students can bring a lot of qualities such as:

- Cultural diversity

- Entrepreneurial spirit

- Language skills

Global perspective: India is a rapidly growing and changing country, and Indian students can bring a unique global perspective to Swiss learning institutions, helping to bridge cultural and educational gaps and promoting greater understanding and collaboration between different cultures.

What makes Switzerland a preferred destination for education, especially for children of comparatively young age?
Switzerland is a preferred destination for education, especially for children of a young age, for several reasons, including:

- High-quality education: Swiss education has a strong reputation for academic rigour and quality, with a focus on hands-on learning and practical experience. Swiss schools are known for their commitment to providing students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their future careers and lives.

- Safe and stable environment: Switzerland is known for being a safe and stable country, with a high quality of life and a strong social safety net. This can be especially appealing for parents looking to provide their children with a secure and supportive environment in which to learn and grow.

- Multilingualism: Switzerland is a multilingual country, with four official languages (German, French, Italian, and Romansh), and a high level of language proficiency is considered an essential part of a Swiss education. This multilingualism can help students develop a broad range of language skills and a global perspective that will be valuable in their future careers.

- Outdoor and adventure opportunities: Switzerland is known for its natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities, including skiing, hiking, and water sports. This can be especially appealing for families looking to provide their children with a well-rounded education that includes a healthy and active lifestyle.

- Experienced teachers: Swiss teachers are highly trained and experienced, and they are committed to providing students with the best possible education. This, combined with small class sizes and individual attention, can help ensure that each student receives the support and guidance they need to succeed.

What are the most common/popular courses that students come to Switzerland to study? Any noticeable trend?
Switzerland is known for its high-quality education, particularly in technical and scientific fields, and attracts students from around the world to study a variety of subjects. Here are some of the most common and popular courses that students come to Switzerland to study:

- Engineering and technology: Switzerland is a hub for innovation and technology, and attracts students to study subjects like Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

- Medicine and health sciences: Switzerland has a strong reputation for medical research and innovation and attracts students from around the world to study subjects like Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Science.

- Hospitality and tourism: Switzerland is known for its tourism and hospitality industry and attracts students from around the world to study subjects like Hotel Management and Culinary Arts.

Can you tell us a little more about your new initiative #GoOutandPlay and why it specifically targets Indian Students? For example, the benefits they will be able to derive from it?

Binding it all together with an aim to promote the excellence of Swiss Education, Swiss Learning, has also released a video campaign #GoOutAndPlay, to underline the ardour of this activity. Targeted at Indian students aged 12 to 17, this visual essay narrates the multicultural exposure through summer camps and holistic growth via boarding schools that Swiss Learning brings to the fore.

By the end of their education, what kind of individuals do the schools that are a part of Swiss Learning strive to produce/prepare?
Swiss Learning schools aim to produce well-rounded individuals who are prepared for success in their future careers and lives. By the end of their education, the schools strive to produce students with the following qualities:

- Academic excellence: Swiss Learning schools aim to provide a rigorous and challenging education that prepares students for success in their future academic and professional careers.

- Independent thinking: These schools encourage students to think critically and independently, and to develop their own unique perspectives and ideas.

- Global perspective: They aim to provide students with a broad and diverse education that prepares them for success in a globalized world. This includes a focus on multilingualism, cultural awareness, and an understanding of different perspectives and worldviews.

- Entrepreneurial spirit: Students are encouraged by the schools to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, and to take initiative and take risks in order to achieve their goals.

- Respect for others: The schools promote a culture of respect and understanding and aim to prepare students to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Overall, Swiss Learning schools aim to produce individuals who are well-prepared for success in their future careers and lives, and who have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to make a positive impact on the world.

After completing their education, do students usually move to other countries for further education or do they stay back in Switzerland itself?
After completing their education in Switzerland, some students choose to stay in Switzerland and pursue further education or start their careers, while others choose to move to other countries for further education or work opportunities.

Swiss education is highly valued around the world and provides students with a strong foundation for success in their future careers, regardless of where they choose to pursue their studies or work.

Source:, 7/02/23

AICTE introduces new online SWAYAM credit courses to increase innovation


By pursuing SWAYAM online credit courses Engineering students will be able to expand their horizons in terms of their knowledge domain

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has recently introduced SWAYAM online credit courses on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Remote Sensing to increase high-tech culture among students. Non-engineering students can also pursue these online credit courses, which will be taught by professors of eminent institutes in the country.
While pursuing the two online credit courses on IPR and Remote Sensing, students will study the introductory aspects of IPR and the basics of Remote Sensing and applications related to Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology, respectively. The duration of the online credit courses would be of 15-16 weeks. AICTE is focusing on educating more students living in the rural belt.

Speaking to Education Times, Rajive Kumar, member secretary, AICTE, says, “The latest SWAYAM online credit courses on IPR and Basics of Remote Sensing that has been introduced by us can even be opted by the non-engineering students. However, students from an engineering and Science background would be more inclined to take up these online credit courses as they are interrelated with Science and engineering streams. Remote Sensing is an emerging technology, which is taught by professors from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun, while professors from IIT Kharagpur will teach the course on IPR.” Students can register on the SWAYAM portal.

Buddha Chandrasekhar, chief coordinating officer, AICTE, Ministry of Education, says, “The new online credit courses that are introduced have been conceived and designed to provide engineering students with an opportunity to learn beyond their technical curriculum. By pursuing these online credit courses, students will be able to expand their higher-order thinking skills. The online credit course on IPR is crucial for innovators and research-oriented engineers who intend to deep dive into product development and establish start-ups. Courses on Remote Sensing and Geospatial technologies are specialised technical areas with a multidisciplinary target audience. It would help all engineering students to familiarise themselves with the fundamentals and diverse future practical applications like IoT, 5G, etc. In the IPR online credit course, students will be given an introduction to understanding the significance of Intellectual Property Rights in the global business domain. While studying the course on Remote Sensing, students will get to study the basics of Remote Sensing and the applications related to GIS and GNSS technology. The duration of the newly introduced online credit courses would be of 15-16 hours.”

Source:, 8/02/23

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Here are 5 simple ways to improve your writing skills

 Writing is often a daily task in many professions spanning several industries, with the simplest reasons being sending emails and creating presentations. While grammar and spelling are only a small part, your writing's ability to effectively convey the intended message depends greatly on several factors, including accuracy, clarity, persuasiveness, and more.

Many people find writing scary, especially those who don't write often or for a living. The good news is that writing doesn't have to be painful, with discipline and an eagerness to learn, virtually anyone can develop their writing abilities. Do you want to improve as a writer? Here are some methods one can use to start writing more professionally, right away.

How to get better at writing?

With time and practice, writing is a skill that you can improve, just like any other. The following are some tips for improving your written communication:

1. Review fundamentals of grammar and spelling

Spelling and grammar are the cornerstones of effective writing. Correct grammar and spelling convey to your reader your professionalism and gives out the right attention to detail. Additionally, it facilitates comprehension of your text.

You must also understand when and how to employ less frequent punctuation such as colons and semicolons, which can offer creative solutions to sentence structure and improve your writing.

2. Read the type of content you intend to write

Knowing how a finished product might appear can give you a better feel for what you are trying to achieve. Read funny short stories if you want to write them yourself. How can I write a book review? Look for a few and note their structure. Pay attention to their strengths and the qualities that appeal to you. In fact, when working on a school assignment, you can ask your teacher for samples of well-written submissions from previous students as well.

3. Check for errors

Although it may be tempting to submit your work as soon as you're done, give yourself time to go through it again and look for any flaws, no matter how minor. Here are some suggestions for proofreading to keep in mind:

  • Before you edit, put your work away. Try taking a day or two off from writing so you can return to it with a fresh mind. Allotting 20 minutes separately to this task can help you in tackling you manage your deadline as well.
  • Start with minor adjustments, then go on to more significant ones. Starting with simple modifications might help you establish a proofreading routine, allow you to reread your work, and avoid any possible distractions.
  • Check your writing for typos, consistency issues, and grammar mistakes. After that, address any structural or transition issues that are more important.

4. Request feedback

Asking for comments is a great way to determine how someone other than yourself would understand your writing, whether you're writing emails or essays. Have a clear concept of the topics you want the proofreader to pay specific attention to, such as the argument's persuasiveness, structure, or conclusion.

Reach out to a trusted friend, relative, coworker, or teacher. If you're a student, you can also check with the writing resource centre at your school. Look up independent writing workshops, community colleges, or online writing courses.

5. Consider the structure

Grammar and spelling help you write consistently and articulately, but a good structure makes sure the reader understands your main points.

Preparing an outline will frequently help in building a structure for your article. An outline can help you picture the flow of your essay, explain the points that need more research or consideration, and highlight the main points of each section.

There are many different writing styles, though most of them focus on simple words, short sentences, and direct language so as to engage readers while also conveying the message effectively. While you should preserve your unique conversational tone, you can also improve your writing style with deliberate choices about structure and usage.

Source: The Telegraph, 28/01/23

Friday, February 03, 2023

Cracking UPSC is about staying consistent

 The mantra for cracking the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE), one of India’s most competitive and prestigious examinations, is synonymous with consistent efforts, dedication and utmost focus.

Many UPSC toppers have reiterated that the success behind cracking the exam is not just intelligence and hard work. It is essential for the candidates to also maintain focus and consistency for long periods, often years.

It may be easy for candidates to stay consistent for a week, a month, or even three months. If your target is the UPSC 2024 examination, you need to maintain that level of consistency for one and a half years. And to help you with tips, we have compiled 7 points to keep in mind while charting your preparation strategy.

1. Setting goals with timelines
The first step in this process is to set your goal and establish the timelines. For example, a 6-month-period is probably too short for a beginner to successfully crack the UPSC. Instead, the candidate should focus on pushing his or her timeline to the next year. Juggling additional tasks together can be overburdening and act counterproductive to staying consistent. Instead, candidates should prioritize tasks and focus on finishing one before moving to another.

2. Benefits of a broad strategy
Note that making a timetable and strategy is something that requires expertise and skill. Know that your specific strategy or timetable will work for you as some past ranker’s strategies worked for them. Your strategy must incorporate all the factors and variables that have an impact on your preparation. This includes the time needed on a daily/weekly basis for preparation, learning style, and financial factors like coaching fees, rent, etc. One also must break down the more than year-long study preparation into small, measurable, and manageable chunks. Do not feel shy to ask for help when it is needed. In case, if you don't have anyone to help you with it, get a UPSC mentor’s guidance and expertise.

3. Evaluate your learning

Preparing for the UPSC CSE exams needs long dedicated hours of studying and reading. UPSC preparation is not just about reading alone. You must analyse, retain, and learn how to utilize whatever you are reading, something which is similar to answer writing. Remember that you can improve only what you can measure. So, monitoring your progress and evaluating whatever you have covered through tests becomes essential. Prelims mock, Mains answer writing and discussion with mentors and peers must be incorporated from the first week of your preparation.

4. Create a feedback-improvement loop
You need to be accountable not only to yourself but to that person or system for the completion of a specific task. UPSC mentors, in many institutes, establish such a system through which your planning, target setting, monitoring, evaluation, and feedback-improvement loop is systematized into one. They will use their priceless experience to help you not divert from your goals. Thus, you should outsource accountability to other people and ace your preparation.

5. Focus on daily improvement
UPSC success is all about small measurable gains over a period of time. Remember, consistency always beats intensity. Setting new goals is easy. However, displaying consistent improvement is a daily grind. So, plan and select your suitable life-saving hacks to stay consistent with your daily routines and targets.

6. Avoid prolonged Isolation
You will get exhausted, and feel burnt out in just a matter of a few weeks. Do not wait to recharge your battery when you are fully drained out. Incorporate breaks in your UPSC timetable with exercise, extra-curricular activities, or any physical activity. Preparing with a group of highly motivated individuals while having a common goal will only take you forward and make you more focused on your goal. At the same time, you won’t even feel exhausted.

7. Maintaining emotional stability
Another perspective towards UPSC success is staying emotionally fit during this 1.5 year long journey. The biggest hurdle in achieving your highest level of consistency is the emotional bit of it. Every now and then, there is a tendency to surround yourself with negative thoughts like fear or depression. Instead of resolving negative thoughts and emotional issues like fear or depression, many avoid these. However, you have to understand that ignoring emotional troubles will only worsen the problems. It is time to rely on your UPSC mentors, teachers, friends, and family. Talk to them and spend some quality time with them.

Source:, 14/01/23

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Getting future-ready: Here's how to prepare today for tomorrow’s jobs

 What would you do if you were told that the skillsets you possess today would become obsolete 10 years from now? And that the job you are doing would no longer exist? For most of us, it would mean taking a close look at our present capabilities, finding ways to augment them and adapting ourselves to a different sort of workplace so we still fit in. Whether you choose to augment your current skills (upskilling) or retrain in a totally different area (reskilling) you would be joining millions of people worldwide in getting ready for the future stages of your working life.

Emergence of emotional labour
The skills of the future may be ill-defined, but we know that they will employ cognitive and emotional labour. Workers originally contributed physical labour to employers, which consisted of the ability to move and manipulate objects and depended largely on muscular strength and dexterity. In the last few decades, we have seen the growth of cognitive labour, founded on the bedrock of cognitive capacity, memory, which is manifested as the ability to memorise and recall knowledge and information. This progresses to include analysis of information, optimisation and decision making, critical thinking, and ultimately creativity. Finally, we are seeing the emergence of emotional labour which is the deployment of skills and capabilities such as awareness, self-motivation, empathy and relationship-building, all coupled with a sense of purpose and meaning, and behaving ethically.

Demands of job market
The growth of cognitive and emotional labour, within a job market that is seeing the rise of some sectors and the shrinking of others, means that the demands of the job market are continually changing. In India, for example, the digital revolution that has taken place across all industrial sectors means that the jobs of today are radically different to those of just a few years ago, and the jobs of tomorrow will be different again. According to data analysed by, the next five years will see half of the workforce in India needing to retrain and upskill.

Upskilling benefits
There are several advantages to upskilling. For employees, developing new skills can help you stay relevant and improve employability – an example could be an e-commerce company training its developers in the use of AI that can be used to track consumer buying patterns. Other advantages of upskilling include the potential discovery of new passions and interests which could lead to new career possibilities. It could give you the chance to meet people, expand your professional network, and offer a fresh perspective. Reskilling can sometimes be a good way to re-enter the workforce after a very long break, or even to switch careers. Personally, I used the pandemic, when I was stuck at home and could not travel, to qualify as a management accountant; I expect this to be useful in the non-executive roles that I expect to hold in the future when my career in education eventually comes to an end.

The advantages don’t stop with just employees though. Equally, for employers, investing in upskilling or reskilling your employees can benefit you in several ways. Talent acquisition is time-consuming, and as an employer, it is far simpler to retain existing employees by upskilling them for a changing environment than it is to hire new talent. Another reason is driving employee satisfaction – some studies have shown that 91% of Gen Z employees (born 1990-1999) factor in professional training opportunities when choosing an employer. With upskilling, some employees may be able to step up and play more leadership-oriented roles.

If you wish to take charge of your own development to stay employable, there are several ways to do this.

Enhancing employability
The most common is to take on an additional project at work, something that is completely outside of your regular job. These stretch opportunities are a great way to learn more about a different line of work and are a very effective way to upskill (provided, of course, that you are not neglecting your main role). Another way is by allocating some time each week to follow industry leaders and experts. There is a rich repository of professional literature available online on LinkedIn, TED Talks, podcasts and more. Joining an industry or professional association could also help, as they often have workshops and discussions that can offer insights. Volunteering for a charity can help to gain experience that you may not get at work – charities and not-for-profits need much more than fundraising – you could be helping with finance, for example, or people, or operations.

Finally, an additional degree or a specialist course can build on your current skills to boost your job role or position you as a knowledge leader in your existing industry. Several higher education institutes today have degrees that offer flexible study and are ideal for working professionals. At Heriot-Watt University Dubai for example, we have significant experience in delivering postgraduate education and many of our students are from India. We find they choose our courses for the flexibility and pace of study they offer, the accreditations, the world-class faculty who teach them and the work placements they get in the Middle East once they graduate. Our programmes allow them to focus on building a specific need or skillset – professionals can enrol in any of the vast numbers of subjects that we offer across our programmes whilst learning through real-life experiences and local as well as global best practices. UAE student visas also now permit employment.

We offer all our students and all our staff members the chance to develop a statement describing their purpose, and the impact that they want to have on the world. That’s a useful starting place if you don’t know how to plan your future career or what skills to try and develop next. Purpose-led people – and companies – are shown to have greater resilience and flexibility, useful in today’s ever-changing employment marketplace. Whatever the jobs of tomorrow look like.

Source:, 10/01/23

Monday, January 09, 2023

A complete guide to the top countries for studying abroad in 2023

 According to recent research, 95% of the students surveyed agreed that studying abroad has accelerated their maturity levels and influenced their long-term worldview. From global perspectives to industry exposure and hands-on learning to the blend of cultures, the primary aspect of studying abroad is to identify educational opportunities that are valued highly across all borders.

Before selecting these countries to study overseas, significant factors must be evaluated, including average cost of living, employability rates, and tuition expenditure. For comparing and evaluating countries based on universities, courses offered, the monthly cost of living, and rent, below is a detailed list of countries along with their pros and cons.

1. United Kingdom

There are several reasons why the UK is a prestigious place to study abroad, including no language barrier for students from many other English-speaking nations, renowned institutions, a thriving student culture, and quick access to European countries. Furthermore, it has shorter duration courses and a high acceptance rate with diverse research and innovation opportunities. The top five universities include the University of Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, and King's College London. The average monthly cost of living, including rent as recommended by UKVI, is $1250.

2. United States

With exceptional education and intellectual rigor, the United States provides international students with innovative practices and prestige. The top five universities include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Stanford University, Yale University, and the University of Chicago. Furthermore, it has extensive undergraduate and postgraduate degrees with financial aid that are available such as scholarships and grants.

3. Germany

With innovative art, literature, and iconic monuments, Germany has reasonable living costs with a rich background history. From business to hard sciences, it provides academic internships for innovation and growth at leading companies. Furthermore, it was found that about 50% of students who were studying abroad were employed or participated in international internships/volunteer work. The top 5 universities in Germany are the Technical University of Munich, Freie Universitat Berlin, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The expense per semester for tuition fees is $3000.

4. Singapore

With low crime rates and budget-friendly options, Singapore is one of the safest countries for studying abroad. With diverse religions, architecture, and food, it is a country rich in culture and ethnicity. The top 5 universities include the National University of Singapore, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, and INSEAD- Singapore. The total expenditure to be incurred on tuition each semester is $3050.

5. Canada

With liberal government policies for immigration and budget-friendly lifestyles, Canada has consistently grown as a preferred destination for pursuing higher education in recent years. About Three-fourths of students who chose to study abroad believe that it has helped them develop skills for future careers, such as improved interpersonal skills, increased self-reliance, foreign language proficiency, and overall adaptability to new environments. The top 5 universities are the University of Toronto, McGill University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Waterloo, and the University of Alberta.

6. Australia

With a smaller local population and student-centric cities, Australia hosts programs for students interested in geological, wildlife, and other biological studies. The top five universities include the University of New South Wales, the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, and the Australian National University. The average spending every month amounts to $1750.

7. Spain

With a diverse cultural, artistic and linguistic background, Spain provides international students with a comprehensive history for developing and enhancing their linguistic skills. The top 5 universities include the University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the University of Navarra. For tuition fees, a student incurs an amount of $2,000 per semester.

8. New Zealand

With adventure sports and small college towns, New Zealand has bustling cities which provide leadership opportunities and a deep understanding of the Māori culture. The top 5 universities include the University of Auckland, the University of Otago, Victoria University of Wellington, the University of Canterbury, and Massey University. The average monthly cost of living, including rent, is $1250.

9. Ireland

With an international hub for technology, pharmaceuticals, and chemistry, Ireland provides unique cultural opportunities for students. The top 5 universities include University College Cork, Dublin City University, University of Limerick, National University of Ireland, and Technological University Dublin. The expected expenditure for a month is about $1600, which is inclusive of rent.

About 40% of US companies missed out on global business opportunities because of a need for internationally competent persons. Studying abroad helps act as an investment, both professionally and academically. Therefore, it is essential to carefully evaluate and understand the different countries based on employability rates, costs of living and growth rates.

About The Author

Mr. Rohit Sethi, Director, ESS Global 

Source: The Telegraph, 30/12/22

Monday, December 19, 2022

Thinking of a freelance writing job? Try ghostwriting

 There are several ways to make a career in freelance writing so no wonder there are people who opt for freelance jobs often. Going for freelance jobs doesn't necessarily mean that one has to leave their full-time job. There are plenty of opportunities which lets one work on the side without letting it become a burden on them and help them make some extra money. One just has to know where to look for them.

If you are someone who has a flair for writing and a way with words, then freelance ghostwriting might just be the right fit for you.

Understanding freelance ghostwriting

Writers who produce content that gets published under a client’s name instead of their own is called ghostwriting. The writer is made to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) and in exchange for this, the ghostwriter is paid more than usual freelance writers.

Ghostwriting is usually conducted in the background and the client gets to showcase the written content as their own.

Types of Ghostwriting

Not all speeches that you hear from politicians or renowned personalities are their work. This is where a ghostwriter comes in.

Ghostwriters are often asked to produce content which ranges from blogs to social media posts and speeches. The subject matter and the type of content, depending on the client’s requirements, can include – speeches, books, articles, blogs, announcements, social media posts, interviews and lyrics for a song.

Why are ghostwriters required?

Ghostwriters are usually hired by public personalities where their content holds value. People who hire such writers are:

  • Politicians
  • Executives
  • Athletes
  • Influencers
  • Creators
  • Public figures
  • PR agencies hiring for a client
  • Literary agencies hiring for a client

Ghostwriters are usually hired for the following reasons:

  • Time: If someone is always busy and does not have time to carefully write, they often pay someone else to portray their ideas in the form of a blog, while they can save on time and not worry about errors.
  • Skills: A celebrity doesn't need to be a good writer. If they want content produced, they need to work with someone capable of writing. Hence, they approach external sources and opt for services from ghostwriters.
  • Adaptability: Celebrities and authors are often on tours and are required to produce a lot of content within strict timelines. Hiring a ghostwriter to help them with their work when they are travelling can be very convenient and hassle-free for them. For instance: An author on a speaking tour might hire a ghostwriter to produce op-ed articles that appear in the news for each stop on the tour, giving the author free time to meet fans and go ahead with their interviews.

What skills are needed to become a ghostwriter?

If you want to become a ghostwriter, you need a wide variety of skills to be successful, both in client delivery and business administration:

Client delivery skills:

  • Research: A lot of research work is involved in this line of work, since you will essentially need to understand your client and their point of view well enough to write as them.
  • Interviewing: Interviewing your client is one of the most important aspects of this job. This is when you get most of your insights, so you need to know the right questions to ask.
  • Project management: Ghostwriters often take care of the whole content production process, from booking interviews to handling edits and revisions.
  • Voice mirroring: Ghostwriters cannot write in their style, they have to mirror the tone, voice and writing style of their client and produce content accordingly.

Business administration skills:

  • Flexibility: Since a ghostwriter works with renowned people, rescheduling work meetings, or being assigned tasks at odd times shouldn’t come as a surprise. You need to be flexible to make the project work.
  • Time management: You have to manage your own time to make sure you’re delivering the work by the set deadlines.

How to get ghostwriting jobs?

Getting a ghostwriting job isn’t very difficult. One requires having a flair for writing and the eye to look for the right opportunity. Here’s how you can land your first job/project as a ghostwriter:

1. Identify your focus

You need to know where to set your focus and who should be your potential client. To identify the types of content you would like to take on, think of what topics you would like to write on, the topics and the writing style you are good at and what is the current demand in the market.

Look for people who will most likely have the budget to hire a ghostwriter. Make use of your old jobs and industry experience and network accordingly. Identify the value you bring to the table. What will make you a good writer for a specific client, state the specialisation, previous experience and reviews, if any, to the potential client. This will help you land your client.

2. Set up your brand

Having a brand for yourself will help you showcase your skills professionally to the clients.

  • Website: Update your website so that people can know you provide ghostwriting services. Make sure you include a call-to-action button which has your contact details so that potential clients can reach out to you.
  • Social media: Update your social media handles, especially on LinkedIn, which mentions you’re a ghostwriter. Let people know you are open to work and build connections with relevant people.
  • Your network: Spread the word around in your circle that you are offering ghostwriting services. Ensure that your website and portfolio are updated, in case anyone tries to reach out to you.

3. Source potential gigs

With a portfolio, brand, and a set focus, you’re ready to headstart with looking for freelance ghostwriting jobs.

  • Job portals: Several organisations will post jobs on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, LinkedIn, and more.
  • Your current clients: If you are working as a freelance writer then let your current clients know you are open to ghostwriting services as well. They might refer you to someone who is looking for such services.
  • Agencies: There are many ghostwriting agencies you can join. Many also operate remotely, so you could potentially join a network that’s not in your state or country as well.

4. Prepare a winning pitch

Once you get a potential opportunity, make sure you ask the client questions about the job requirements, their goals, needs and expectations.

Getting a potential opportunity involves cold calling or sending emails and applications to several people. Ensure that you are asking all the right and necessary questions of the client, including their expectations, goals, and challenges. State how you can help them with your ghostwriting services. Share work samples and demonstrate your ability to write well.

5. Negotiate

When a client is ready to go ahead with you, make sure you have stated your responsibilities, assignment, requirements of the client, what you’re going to be doing, who you are supporting, and what the client needs to provide to you for you to do your job well.

Attain written clarity on the payment procedure and get it electronically signed.

Working as a ghostwriter can be done alongside other jobs as well, although there are people who take this as a full-time career. The highest-paid ghostwriters are the ones who are aware of what their services are worth and what they are good at. Marketing oneself is important in this career, especially for a newcomer. Given the perks of this job, though, one must not forget the problems like conflicts of interest, having too much work at once and not getting many clients. However, if one can manage it well, then the good money, flexibility and networking opportunities will be worth the toil.

Source: The Telegraph, 15/12/22