
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

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Greetings from TISS Guwahati Campus Library

We are happy to inform you that the library has started a new service "Accession Update". It will keep you alert about newly accessed books & journals. The frequency of Accession Update will be at monthly basis.

                                Accession Update

                                                     01-05-2014 to 31-05-2014


  Silverman, David : Doing Qualitative Research. Los Angeles, Sage publications, 2005 ( 001.4 S45D)

 Knight, Peter T.  : Small-Scale Research : Pragmatic Inquiry in Social sciences and the Caring Professions. London. Sage Publications, 2002 (001.4 K85S)


Benjamin, Ludy T.  : A Bried History of Modern Psychology (2nd ed). New York. Wiley, 2014 (150.09 B44B)

Steg, Linda (ets. ) : Environmental Psychology: An Introduction. Oxford. BPS Blackwell, 2013 (155.9 S72E)


Hinnells, John R. (etd) : The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion. London. Routledge, 2005 (200 H67R)

Lapidus, Ira M.  : A History of Islamic Societies (2nd ed.) Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2002 (297.09 L23H)


Gwynne, M.A.  : Anthropology Career Resource Handbook. Boston. Pearson Education, 2003 (301 G98A)

Korgen, Odell Kathleen, White, J.M. : The Engaged Sociologist: Connecting the Classroom to the community. Los Angeles, Sage Publication,  2011 (301.07 K95E)


Marsen, Sky : Communication Studies. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 (302.23 M36C)

Social Change

Roberts, J. Timmons. Hite, Amy : From Modernization to Globalization: Perspectives on Development and Social Change. Malden. Blackwell Publishing, 2000 (303.44 R58F)

Social Movement

Porta, D.D. , Diani, Mario : Social Movements: An Introduction, New York, Blackwell Publishing, 1998 (303.484 P69S)

West, David : Social Movements in Global Politics. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2013 (303.484 W33S)

Menon, D Johnston, Hank: What is a Social Movment? Cambridge. Polity Press, 2014 (303.484 J52W)

Caste/ Dalit

Menon, Dilip M.  : The Blindness of Insight: Essays on Caste in Modern India. New Delhi Navayna (305.5122 M54B)

O’Hanlon, Rosalind  : Caste, Conflict and Ideology: Mahatm Jotirao Phule and Low Caste Protest in Nineteenth-Century Western India . Delhi. Permanent Black, 1985 (305.568 O31C)


Crehan, Kate  : Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology. London. Pluto Press, 2002 (306 C72G)

Epstein, A.L. (etd)  : The Craft of Social Anthropology. Delhi. Hindustan Publishing Corpn. , 1978 (306 E77C)

Burke, Peter  : What is Cultural History ? Cambridge. Polity Press, 2008 (306.09 B97W)

Narotzky, Susana  : New Directions in Economic Anthropology. London. Pluto Press, 1997 (306.3 N25N)

Nettleton, Sarah  : The Sociology of Health and Illness (3rd edn). Cambridge. Polity Press, 2013 (306.461 N43S)

Buffington, Robert M. (et al.) : A Global History of Sexuality: The Modern Era. Oxford. Wiley Blackwell, 2014 (306.7 B95G)

Urban Development

Zijderveld, Anton C.  : A Theory of Urbanity: The Economic and Civic Culture of Cities (307.76 Z7T)


Marasinghe, M.G., Kennedy, W.J.   : SAS For Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical Methods With 100 SAS Programs. New York, Springer, 2008 (310 M33S)

Gelman, Andrew and Cortina  : A quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press (310 G25Q0

Gelman, Andrew and Cortina  : A quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press (310 G25Q)

Political Science

Barry, Norman  : An Introduction to Modern Political Theory (4th edn) New York. Palgrave, 2000 (320.1 B30I)

Corbridge, Stuart (et al.)  : India Today: Economy, Politics and Society. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2013 (320.54 C60I)

Chaube, S.K.  : Hill Politics in Northeast India. Hyderabad. Orient BlackSwan, 2009 (320.5416 C32H)

Malesevic, Sinisa  : Nation-States and Nationalisms: Organization, Ideology and Solidarity. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2013 (320.54 M29N)

Robinson, Robison (etd)   : Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Politics. London. Routledge,, 2014 (320.59 R64R)

Anand, Dibyesh   : Tibet: A Victim of Geopolitics. London. Routledge, 2007 (954,541 A48T)

Human Rights

Cushman, Tomas (etd)  : Handbook of Human Rights, London. Routledge, 2011 ( 323 C94H)

International Relation

Baylis, John, Smith, Steve (etd)  : The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (3rd edn.) Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2005 (327 B35G)


Kusuoka, S. , Maruyama, T. (Eds.)  : Advances in Mathematical Economics. New York. Springer, 2011 (330.015 K98A)

Boumans, Marcel. Davis, John B. : Economic Methodology: Understanding Economics As a Science. New York. Palgrave Macmillan (330.072 B72E)

Nurmi, Hannu : Models of Political Economy. London. Routledge, 2006 (330 N94M)

Seddighi, Hamid R. : Introductory Econometrics: A practical Approach. London. Routledtge. 2012 (330.01 S27I)

Banerjee, Anindya. Hendry, D.F. (etd) : The Econometrics of Economic Policy. Malden. Blackwell Publishers, 1997 (330.01 B21E)

Amin, Sa Usher, Dan  : Political Economy. Oxford. Blackwell Publishing, 2003 (330 U8P)

Baltagi, Badi H.  : Econometrics (4th edn). New York, Springer, 2008 (330.015 B19E)

Amin, Samir   : Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: The Management of Contemporary Society. London. Zed Books, 2014 (330.122 A46C)

Capello, Roberta, Nijkamp, P. : Urban Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Urban Economics. Amesterdum. Elsevier, 2004 (330.917 C18U)

Cohen, A.J. (etd.) : Power in a Changing World Economy: Lessons from East Asia. London, Routledge, 2014 (330.95 K93P)

Kuenne, Robert E. (etd) : Readings in Social Welfare: Theory and Policy. Malden. Blackwell Publishers, 2000 (330.12 K98R)

Corbae, Dean (ets) : Economic Theory and Practice: Frontiers of Analysis and Applied Research. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2006 (330.015 C60E)


 Ghai, Dharam : Decent Work: Objectives and Strategies. Geneva. ILO, 2006 (331 G28D)

Scales, T L. Stree Luce, Stephanie : Labor Movements: Global Perspectives. Cambridge. Poliy Press, 2014 (331.8 L87L)

Hauptmeier, Marco. Vidal, Matt. (etd) : Comparative Political Economy of Work. New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 (331 H41C)

Basu, Kaushik (ets.) : International Labour Standards: History, Theory and Policy Options. Oxford. Blackwell Publishing, 2003 (331.12 B31I)

Sallaz, Jeffrey J. : Labor, Economy and Society. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2013 (331 S12L)

McGovern, Patrick (et al.) : Market, Class and Employment. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2007 (331.0941 M53M)


Bartzokas, Anthony. Mani, Sunil (etd) : Financial Systems, Corporate Investment in Innovation and Venture Capital. Massachusetts. Edward Elgar Publishers (332 B30F)

 Robinson, Joan . Fortune, A.E. (ets) : The Accumulation of Capital (3rd edn). New York. Palgrave Macmillan , 2013 (332.041 R63A)


Death, Carl (etd) : Critical Environmental Politics. London. Routledge, 2014 (333.7 D30C)
Raven, Peter H. (et al.) : Environment (7th edn,) New York. John Wiley & Sons, 2010 (333.7 R20E)

Attfield, Robin. : Environmental Ethics: An Overview of the 21st Century (2nd edn.) Cambridge. Polity Press (333.7 A88E)

Glasson, John (et al.) : Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (4th edn.) London. Routledge (333.714 G41I)

Botkin, Daniel B. Keller, E.A.  : Environmental Science (8th edn) New Delhi. Wiley India, 2012 (333.7 B71E)

Goudie, Andrew S.  : The Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present and Future. Oxford. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 (333.7 G59H)

Daniels, R.J. Ranjit, Krishnaswamy, J.  : Environmental Studies. New Delhi. Wiley India, 2009 (333.7 D15E)

Lejano, Raul (et al.) : The Power of Narrative in Environmental Networks. London. MIT Press, 2013 (333.72 L46P)

Pearce, David (etd) : Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case Studies.London. Edward Elgar, 2006 (333.7 P30E)

Robbins, Paul (ets.) : Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction. Oxford. Wiley Blackwell (333.72 R57E)

Wolf, Susan. Stanley, Neil. : Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law (6th edn) London. Routledge, 2014 (344.046 W66W)

Climate Change

Grey, Murray :  Geodiversity: Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature (2nd edn), Oxford. Wiley Blackwell, 2013 (551 G71G)

Hulme, Mike: Exploring Climate Change Through Science and in Society. London. Routledge, 2013 (551.6 H91E)

Machin, Amanda : Negotiating Climate Change: Radical Democracy and the illusion of Consensus. London. Zed Books, 2013 (551.6 M15N)

Tanner, Thomas & Horn-Phathanothai, Leo. : Climate Change and Development. London. Routledge , 2014 (551.6 T14C)

Gray, Murray: Geodiversity: Va Dove, Michael R. (etd): The Anthropology of Climate Change: An Historical Reader. Oxford. Willey Blackwell, 2014 (304.25 D67A)

Moser, Susanne C. (etd.): Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Linking Science and Policy in a Rapidly Changing World. London. Routledge, 2013 (551.6 M83S)

Castro, Peter. A. (ets.) : Climate Change and Threatened Communities: Vulnerablity, Capacity and Action . Warwickshire. Public Action Publishing, 2012 (551.6 C28C)


Litfin, Karen T. : Ecovillages: Lessons For Sustainable Community. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2014 (577 L67E)

Shmelev, Stanislav E. : Ecological Economics: Sustainability in Practice. New York. Springer, 2012 (577 S41E)

Brewer, Richard. : The Science of Ecology (2nd edn) Australia. Thomson Learning, 1994 (577 B82S)

Molles, Manuel C .  : Ecology: Concepts and Applications (5th edn). Boston. McGraw Hill, 2010 (577 M71E)

Carreiro, M.M. (ets.): Ecology, Planning and Management of Urban Forests: International Perspectives. New York. Springer, 2008 (577.3 C22E)

 Liu, Jianguo (ets.) Sources, Sinks and Sustainablity. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2011 (577.8 L67S)


Hutnyk, John   : Bad Marxism: Capitalism and Cultural Studies. London. Pluto Press, 2009 (335 H96B)

World Economy

Cleaver, Tony : Understanding The World Economy (4th edn). London. Routledge, (337 C43U)

 Phillips, Nicola (etd): Globalizing International Political Economy. New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 (337 P49G)

Telfer, David J.  , Sharpley, Richard : Tourism and Development in the Developing World. London. Routledge, 2008 (338.4 T25T)

Mulhearn, Chris. Vane, H.R. : Economics For Business (2nd edn). New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 (338.7 M86E)


Rubinstein, Ariel: Lecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory: The Economic Agent. Princeton. Princeton University Press, 2006 (338.5 R96L)

Baumol, W.J., Blinder, Alan S. : Microeconomics: Principles and Policy. New York. Harcourt College Publishers (338.5 B33M)

Economic Development

Hopper, Paul: Understanding Development: Issues and Debates. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2012 (338.9 H81U)

Selwyn, Benjamin: The Global Development Crisis. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2014 (338.9 S28G)

Chang, Ha-Joon, Grabel, Ilene: Reclaiming Development: An Alternative Economic Policy Manual. London. Zed Books, 2014 (338.9 C29R)

Reid, David: Sustainable Development: An Introductory Guide. London. Earthscan, 1995 (338.927 R32S)


Ritzer, George: Globalization : The Essentials. Sussex. Wiley-Blackwell Publication, 2011 (338.91 R54G)

Axford, Barrie: Theories of Globalization. Cambridge. Polity Press, 2013 (338.91 A95T)


McConnell, C.R., Brue, Stanley L. : Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems and Policies (17th edn). Boston. McGraw-Hill, 2008 (339 M52M)

Ahfield, C.L.F. (et al.): Rational Expectations in Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Theory and Evidence (2nd edn.) (339.0724 A 88R)


Mcleod, John: An Introduction to Counselling (3rd edn). New York. Open University Press, 2003 (361.06 M53I)


Nyee, Steven A. Schieber, S.J.  : The Economic Implications of Aging Societies: The Costs of Living Happily Ever After. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2005 (362.6 N99E)

Social Work

Scales, T. Laine (ets) : Rural Social Work: Building Sustaining Community Capacity. New Jersey. Wiley ,  2014 (361.3 S17R)

Fortune, Anne E. : Qualitative research in Social Work. (2nd ed) New York. Columbia University Press, 2013 (361.3072 F69Q)

Mental Health

Boardman, Jed (ets): Social Inclusion and Mental Health. London. Rchpsych Publications, 2010 (362.2 B64C)

McCracken, Kevin, Phillips, David R. : Global Health: An Introduction to Current and Future Trends. London. Routledge, 2012 (362.1 M51G)

Water Sanitation

Gray, N. F. : Drinking Water Quality (2nd edn). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press (363.61 G71D)

Calow, Roger (ets.): Achieving Water Security: Lessons from Research in Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Ethiopia. Warkwickshire. Practical Action Publishing, 2013 (363.7284 C12A)


Bhattacharya, Jay (et al.) : Health Economics. New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 (610 B51H)

Hatfield, Gabrielle: Encyclopaedia of Folk Medicine: Old World and New World Traditions. California. ABC CLIO, 2004 (610 H48E).)

Breelove, S. Marc et al.) : Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience. Sunderland. Sinaure Associates Inc. , 2007 (612.8 B81B)


Husch, Bertram.: Forest Mensuration (5th edn.) New Jersy. John Wiley & Sons, 2003 (634.9 H95F)


Burke, W.Warner: Organization Change: Theory and Practice (3rd edn). Los Angeles. Sage Publications, 2011 (658.4 B97O)

Miller, Katherine : Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes (5th edn) Australia. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009 (658.406 M62O)

Writing Skill/Public Speaking

Ford, Ma Laws, Anne: Writing Skills. Hyderabad. Orient Blackswan, 1999 (415 L30W)

rjorie, Schave, Elizabeth: Community Matters: A Reader For Writers. New York. Longman, 2001 (808.0427 F65C)

German, Kathleen M. (et al.) : Principles of Public Speaking (15th edn.). Boston. Pearson, 2004 (808.51 G28P)


State and Locality in Mughal India: Power Relations in Western India 1572-1730. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2004 (954.02 H14S)

Jun 04 2014 : The Times of India (Delhi)
CHARTING A COURSE History is not just about dates, and it has a future
New Delhi

Being one of the most popular humanities subjects, the highest cutoff last year was 95.75% at LSR and between 93 and 97% at Hindu College
Those hoping to study history “must understand the relevance of being social scientists,“ says Vanita Ganesh who teaches the subject at Kamala Nehru College.
Students who haven't studied history in school must know that it is not all about dates, but is also thematic. “It is high up on interdisciplinarity ,“ says Ganesh.Being one of the most popular humanities subjects in Delhi University , the highest cutoff for history last year was 95.75% at Lady Shri Ram College and between 93%-97% at Hindu. The lowest was 65% at Bharati College and Shyama Prasad Mukherji College; At Deshbandhu College, it was between 65%-67%. Eligibility: As many as 48 DU colleges offer the course.
The scores in the best four subjects, including a language, are considered.
Discipline I: A total of 20 papers, including research ones. Topics for teaching include early India; social formations and cultural patterns of the ancient and medieval world; modern East Asia and modern Europe.
Discipline II: Six papers, all on Indian history Applied Course: Four papers, including understanding heritage, art appreciation (an introduction to Indian art), archives and museums, and understanding popular culture Road Ahead: “Options are infinite,“ says Ganesh, “All the options available to people studying social sciences are also available to history graduates. Many of my students study MBA, become ateacher or get into research“.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Jun 03 2014 : Mirror (Pune)
Cellulose fibres that are stronger than steel
Mumbai Mirror Bureau TWEET @_MumbaiMirror

A Swedish-German research team has successfully tested a new method for the production of ultra-strong cellulose fibres at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron’s (DESY) research facility.The novel procedure spins extremely tough filaments from tiny cellulose fibrils by aligning them all in parallel during the production process.
The new method has been reported in the scientific journal Nature Communications.
“Our filaments are stronger than both aluminium and steel per weight,” emphasises lead author Fredrik Lundell from the Wallenberg Wood Science Center at the Royal Swedish Institute of Technology KTH in Stockholm. “The real challenge, however, is to make bio based materials with extreme stiffness that can be used in wind turbine blades, for example. With further improvements, in particular increased fibril alignment, this will be possible.” For their method, the researchers took tiny, nanometre-sized cellulose fibrils and fed them together with water through a small channel. Two additional water jets coming in perpendicular from left and right accelerate the fibril flow.
“Following the acceleration, all nano fibrils align themselves more or
less parallel with the flow,” explains co-author Stephan Roth from DESY.“Furthermore, salt is added to the outer streams. The salt makes the fibrils attach to each other, thereby locking the structure of the future filament.” Finally, the wet filaments are left to dry in air where they shrink to form a strong fibre.
“Drying takes a few minutes in air,” explains co-author Daniel Soderberg from KTH. “The resulting material is completely compatible with the biosphere, since the natural structure of the cellulose is maintained in the fibrils. Thus, it is biodegradable and compatible with human tissue.” As the scientists write, their fibres are much stronger than all other previously reported artificial filaments from cellulose nano fibrils. In fact, the artificial filaments can rival the strongest natural cellulose pulp fibres extracted from wood at the same degree of alignment of the nano fibrils.
“In principle, we can make very long fibres,” says Lundell. “Up until now we have made samples that where ten centimetres long or so, but that is more of an equipment issue than a fundamental problem.” For their experiments, the researchers have used nano fibrils extracted from fresh wood. “In principle, it should be possible to obtain fibrils from recycled paper also,” says Lundell. But he cautions: “The potential of recycled material in this context needs further investigations.”

Jun 03 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)
A Dark Side to the Internet of Things
The New York Times

Apple is expected to unveil software that turns homes into Wi-Fi-connected wonderlands, but what if the toaster spies on you?
Home, connected home. The front door opens with a tap on an iPhone. The lights come up as if by magic. The oven sends a text: Dinner is ready .You will probably be hearing a lot about these sorts of conveniences this week from the Apple Wo rl d w i d e D e v e l o p e r s Conference in San Francisco.
Apple is expected to unveil software that promises to turn our homes into Wi-Fi-connected wonderlands, where locks, lights, appliances -you name it -can all be controlled via an iPhone or iPad. You can bet that before long, refrigerators will come with “Made for iPhone“ stickers.
These initiatives are all part of what is known as the Internet of Things. That is a catchall term used to describe connectivity -specifically , how people connect with products, and how products connect with each other.
Sounds great. But I can't shake the feeling that one day, maybe, just maybe, my entire apartment is going to get hacked.
The word in Silicon Valley is that Apple has all the security issues locked down. But as any computer security expert will tell you, nothing -and I mean nothing -is impervious.
Hackers can crack governments and corporations, let alone smartphones and desktops. What's to stop them from hacking a connected house? Think back to those dark ages when the first smartphones arrived. Back then, few people worried about the privacy and security issues those products might pose. Look where we are today .
“Obviously, there are lots of benefits of connected devices in the home, but there can also be complications,“ said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a nonprofit research and advocacy group.
“When you worry about computer viruses, you can unplug your computer. When your house gets a virus, where do you go to hide?“ Take an incident that happened last week in Australia. There were reports that some people with iOS devices, including iPhones, iPads and Mac computers, had been targeted in a “digital hijacking“ operation. Hackers had command e e re d t h e m a ch i n e s a n d rendered them unusable. A hacker going by the name “Oleg Pliss“ demanded a $100 ransom, paid via PayPal, to unlock each one.
Now imagine what could happen to your house. You come home to unlock your front door or turn on your lights with your smartphone -and find yourself locked out, your home held hostage.
Just like the early days of the iPhone, we don't seem to be too worried that such intrusions could happen to a connected home. Maybe we're just starryeyed. A May report from Pew Research about the Internet of Things asked 1,606 experts on internet-connected clothing and appliances to explain their visions of this future. The report is a cornucopia of delights about how our toothbrush will email our dentist, how the toilet paper dispenser will know when to order a new roll from Amazon, how our alarm clock will start our coffee maker minutes before we get up. The term “hacker“ appears only once in the 30,000word document.
Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, who oversaw the report, said people would initially see these new technologies as a “gee-whiz phenomenon.“
Only later will they start to worry about the potential problems.
“There is a reference in our report to consumer willingness to embrace these things,“ Rainie said. “If they seem too powerful and know too much about us, con sumers aren't going to want to adopt these products.“
The report also addressed another troubling aspect of the Internet of Things: the privacy implications. In that regard, hackers are only one worry . The companies that are actually making these technologies could become flies on our walls. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission late last year, Google said it foresaw a future of ads in cars, watches, glasses, thermostats and so on.
Google has backtracked since, saying last week: “We've contacted the SEC to clarify our 2013 filing; it does not reflect Google's product road map.“ But, as privacy experts noted, someone, somewhere inside Google has been thinking about putting ads in your home.
“These are devices that are des i g n e d t o t r a c k p e o p l e, “ Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center said.
“You might start to wonder, why is my toaster spying on me?“
Jun 03 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)
Citings Think Rural, Act Global

While urban demand for consumer products remains sluggish worldwide, rural markets are growing faster than ever in some of the largest emerging economies.... In China, demand in the countryside has already begun to outstrip demand in the cities.Nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in India.
From 2009 to 2012, spending by India's 800+ million rural residents reached $69 billion, 25% more than their urban counterparts spent over the same period. And projected growth rates are astounding: according to recent Nielsen estimates, consumption in rural areas is growing at 1.5 times the rate in urban areas, and today's $12-billion consumer goods market in rural India is expected to hit $100 billion by 2025.
What's more, rural Indians are trading up. Commodities are giving way to branded products, and more expensive goods are replacing entry-level versions, as consumers gain more disposable income. Their increased purchasing power is largely due to the steady migration of manufacturing jobs to the countryside.
Credit Suisse estimates that nearly 75% of the factories that opened in India in the last decade were built in rural areas; they now account for almost 55% of the country's manufacturing GDP and 70% of all new manufacturing jobs.
As a result, per-capita GDP in the countryside has grown at a compound annual rate of 6.2% since 2000, eclipsing the 4.7% urban growth rate.
From “The Globe: Unlocking the Wealth in Rural Markets“

Jun 03 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)
PROMISES COOPERATION India Can Develop if States Develop: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India can only develop if its states develop, reiterating his commitment to work in partnership with the state governments at meetings with two state chief ministers on Monday.Among those who called on the Prime Minister for what officials described as a `courtesy call' on Monday included Odisha Chief Minister Navin Patnaik and Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy.
“It was good to hear PM Narendra Modi say India can only develop if its states develop, & that he'll cooperate,“ BJD MP from Kendrapara Baijayant Panda said after the meeting on social media.
Working together with the states has been a key theme of Modi's communiques so far with top officials in the Prime Minister's Office as well as his 45-member ministerial council.
Modi had asked his officials to address the problems and issues raised by states promptly and sensitively The same message was conveyed t ministers in the second meeting of the Modi cabinet.
Chandy and Patnaik's meeting with Modi followed a similar courte sy call last Friday by Chandrababu day by Chandrababu Naidu, who was Andhra Pradesh chief minister-designate at the time.
Governors of four states had also met Narendra Modi on Friday -Jagannath Pahadia of Haryana, ESL Narasimhan from Andhra Pradesh, NN Vohra from Jammu & Kashmir and Manipur governor VK Duggal.
Two chiefs of union territories have also met the PM so far, including the Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Delhi Najeeb Jung. After Modi moved into his official Race Course Residence on Friday, the LG of Andaman & Nicobar Islands AK Singh had also met the PM to convey his best wishes.
Jun 03 2014 : The Times of India (Delhi)
Govt to tread carefully on river inter-linking project
New Delhi:

To First Link Rivers Within A Basin
The ambitious river inter-linking project will get a new impetus under the Narendra Modi government but the Centre would like to select specific schemes for implementation very cautiously . Its focus will first be on linking rivers within a basin or nearby basins instead of going for distant inter-basin river linkages.“Government will first take up those inter-basin rivers for linking which are close to each other, keeping in mind its feasibility and utility to larger beneficiaries,“ environment minister Prakash Javadekar said.
He told TOI that this was an inter-ministerial matter which would be discussed thoroughly . “We will do the inter-linking of rivers in a manner that it simultaneously takes care of drinkingwater/irrigation needs of people and ecological concerns,“ said the minister.
Though river inter-linking was mooted way back in 1982, it was actively taken up during Atal Bihari Vajpayee's tenure as PM during 1999-2004. It, however, fell off the radar once the UPA came to power. The UPA took it up only during its last year in office after the Supreme Court in February 2012 directed the Centre to implement the river inter-linking project in a time-bound manner and appointed a high-powered committee for its planning and implementation.
The full river inter-linking project has two components -Peninsular and Himalayan. The Peninsular component, involving the rivers in southern India, envisaged developing a `south ern water grid' with 16 river linkages in different states.
This component included diversion of the surplus waters of Mahanadi and Godavari to the Pennar, Krishna, Vaigai and Cauvery rivers.
The Himalayan component, on the other hand, was conceived for building storage reservoirs on the Ganga and the Brahmaputra and their main tributaries both in India and Nepal in order to conserve water during the monsoon for irrigation and generation of hydro-power, besides checking floods.
The Himalayan component comprises 14 links including Brahamputra-Ganga, Kosi-Ghagra, Kosi-Mech, Ghagra-Yamuna, GandakGanga, Sarda-Yamuna, Farakka-Sunderbans, Subernarekha-Mahanadi and Ganga-Damodar-Subernarekha.
Both the components have 30 river-linking projects.
For the full report, log on to