
Monday, November 28, 2022

Economic & Political Weekly: Table of Contents


Vol. 57, Issue No. 48, 26 Nov, 2022



From the Editor's Desk

From 50 Years Ago


Book Reviews

Special Articles


Current Statistics


UN resolution should rally world behind Rohingya

 Since the overwhelming exodus of Rohingya refugees to Bangladesh in 2017, the Rohingya problem has gained attention. To continue housing more than 1.1 million refugees in Bangladesh, however, is proving to be an incredibly challenging endeavor given the recent emergence of other national and international challenges.

A ray of light is provided, nonetheless, by the recent Rohingya resolution passed by the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee. The resolution was jointly introduced last week by members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the European Union (EU), who all agreed that it was urgent to confront Myanmar’s reprehensible treatment of the Rohingya people and other minorities. This is good news since, up until now, the international community has not taken sufficient action to relieve the pressure on Bangladesh and to prevent Myanmar from abdicating its responsibility to its citizens.

The resolution is simply the first of several that must be taken to make sure that the Myanmar government creates a secure environment for Rohingya refugees to return to; it does not, however, guarantee that the repatriation process for those refugees would be accelerated. It is crucial that the resolution be turned into rapid action because the UN and humanitarian aid groups both have vital roles to play in this situation.

The perpetrators of the crimes done against the Rohingya population can finally be brought to justice with the assistance of the international community. Making sure that the refugees can finally and safely return home requires that we approach this catastrophe with the urgency that it demands. While Bangladesh’s attempts to host the refugees demonstrate a level of generosity that the rest of the world has yet to show, it is time for the international community to take action to share the burden.

The human rights situation of Rohingya Muslims and other minority communities in Myanmar was also raised in the resolution adopted by the third committee of the General Assembly. The Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations said in a statement that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the European Union (EU) jointly presented the proposal to the Third Committee of the General Assembly.

109 countries co-sponsored the resolution, the highest since 2017. In addition to finding the root cause of the Rohingya problem, the resolution calls on Myanmar to fully cooperate with all UN human rights bodies, including the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy to Myanmar, to create an environment suitable for the voluntary, safe and sustainable return of the Rohingya to Rakhine State.

The statement commended “Bangladesh’s continued cooperation with the ICC, IIMM, and other accountability mechanisms to ensure justice and accountability for human rights violations against the Rohingya.” This year’s resolution also called on UN member states to continue humanitarian assistance for the Rohingyas in Bangladesh under the principle of ‘Responsibility and Burden Sharing’.

In addition, the important role of regional countries and organizations such as ASEAN in the development of Myanmar’s political and human rights situation has been highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on the speedy implementation of the five-point recommendations adopted unanimously by ASEAN. It is hoped that the international community will be more alert and aware of the Rohingya issue at the United Nations. It can be said that the task of repatriating Rohingyas will be relatively easy if such a proposal is unanimously accepted by the Security Council in the future.

The main question is whether the Rohingyas sheltered in Bangladesh will be able to return to their homeland. As long as this goal is not achieved, there will be no relief for Bangladesh. Despite being overpopulated and plagued by socio-economic problems, Bangladesh has given shelter to the displaced Rohingya fleeing from Myanmar on humanitarian grounds.

But this humanitarian step has become a burden for Bangladesh now. Rohingyas coming to the country has created a multidimensional crisis. The environment of Cox’s Bazar area has become polluted. Population density has increased. Rohingyas are involved in various criminal activities including drug smuggling and are worsening the law and order situation in the country. This situation is not only a threat to Bangladesh’s internal security but also to regional security.

In this reality, an acceptable solution to the Rohingya crisis has become very important. And this solution can be done only through the repatriation of Rohingyas to their homeland. The international community should apply effective pressure on Myanmar so that the country agrees to take back its citizens. It is expected that the international community will play a stronger role in the Rohingya issue after the unanimously adopted resolution at the United Nations.

Rohingyas do not deserve any kind of support or aid in any form.These people like some disturbed countries in africa and Pakistan etc are crookest ,criminals pretendng to be very poor destitute dressed in shabby out-out or half naked just to chet public and continue with their hidden motive of wpreading Islam in the world.Just give them a finger and they will cut your hand,perhaps the arm itself.There has to be noconcern of world body for such menacious creatures wandering around in human form.The whole non-Islamic world has to be worried and concerned for such muslims migration backed with crafty underhanded device to diffuse Islam.Especially the West (European) countries are being befooled by them by sneaking into their countries.At home these people hate all other non-muslims but do not take shelter within own Islamic countries which are 57 in the world.UNO must act against such elements and those who mischievously brainwash them and give some financial support.The money the guys who push then into europe and other counteries is later shared by Islaic fanatics and Mullah.the circle goes on.Once these socalled migrants get earn some money they keep om supportin(sending money)to those Mullahs or mischievous muslims to continue with their dirty jobs.UNO must act and control the birth rate in all those poor countries.NO any kind of support in any form to such people.If atall help then the it must be like as said "Give them fishhing rod but not fish"and keep them away from healthy civilized society.

Source: The Statesman, 25/11/22

Challenges Faced by Women in STEM And How To Address Them

 Technology and innovation are the forerunners of development in India and the world. Education and progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are essential components of this development in terms of overcoming challenges across sectors and ensuring their growth and expansion.However, as India stands at the precipice of becoming a global power, one must acknowledge that to move forward in any field, equal participation by women is imperative. Women in the STEM segment, until recently, faced severe hurdles in gaining access to equal opportunities, but the situation is gradually improving, and women are participating in the field in large numbers. This article discusses how bringing more women into STEM will contribute to the greater development of our economy.

The Situation At Present

Statistics suggest that over 43% of STEM graduates were women. The All India Survey on Higher Education Report estimates that over 10,56,095 women have enrolled in graduate, post-graduate, and Ph.D. courses in the field, as of 2019-20. The Science Technology and Innovation Policy were launched to increase this number by 30% by 2030. The policy also aims to revise the sectoral strategies and priorities of the industry to make it more inclusive, decentralized, evidence-based, and expert-driven. The Scopus database also suggests that women have authored one in three research papers published in India. Estimates also indicate that India is second in the world in terms of the number of women CEOs in the tech sector.

These developments paint an optimistic picture for women in STEM. Women in India are breaking the glass ceiling and excelling in all realms of STEM. Women like Roshni Nadar, the chairperson of HCL, Sharmistha Dubey, the CEO of Match Group, and Revathi Advaithi, CEO of Flex, are exemplary role models who have changed the face of the industry in modern times. However, more must be done to ensure fuller participation and a gender-friendly workspace. Several shortcomings need to be countered if we hope to achieve equitable and balanced development.

What Does The Future Hold?

The Indian government has taken several laudable initiatives to encourage women to join the STEM bandwagon and achieve milestones. For instance, India’s participation in the Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions project and the launch of Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence played a pivotal role in paving the way for women in STEM. However, more must be done to push women to reach their full potential.

Women scientists and young achievers are also being given recognition through women excellence awards distributed by SERB. National Women Bioscientists Awards are also accorded to senior researchers in the field of biotechnology for their contribution. Many companies today are incorporating policies like flexible work timings, provision of daycare, and relaxation of age limits to encourage women further to participate in the STEM field. Learning platforms are organizing workshops and seminars to provide women with upskilling and reskilling opportunities, where they can learn by interacting with recognized women role models.

Although experts in the field of psychology have repeatedly suggested that there is no significant difference in the aptitude for STEM subjects between men and women, the participation of women in these fields remained low for a decade. However, the industry has come a long way from that, and today women are not only entering the STEM fields but are leading major companies and corporate houses in the industry. This has been enabled by the hard work and determination of these women, changes in the workplace policy, and deploying more financial and human resources for effective training of these women in technologies like AI and ML.

Sonya Hooja

Source: The Telegraph, 24/11/22

Friday, November 25, 2022

Quote of the Day November 25, 2022


“A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
Dave Meurer
“सफल विवाह वह नहीं है जिसमें ‘सर्वगुण सम्पन्न जोड़ा’ विवाहसूत्र में बंधता है. सफल विवाह वह है जिसमें पति-पत्नी एक दूसरे के मतभेदों में खुशी ढूंढ लेते हैं.”
डेव मेयूरर

Nominations Open For 2023 Yidan Prize: The World’s Highest Education Accolade

 Yidan Prize Foundation is looking for innovators who are making a significant impact in education. As the world’s highest education accolade, the Yidan Prize recognizes and supports changemakers in education research and development.

Nominations are now open for the 2023 Yidan Prize

With a mission to create a better world through education, the Yidan Prize Foundation awards two prizes annually to individuals and teams of up to three in two key areas: education research and education development.

Laureates will receive a gold medal and a total sum of HK$30 million, shared equally for teams. Half of this is a cash prize in recognition of their contribution to education. The other half is a project fund to help them scale and grow their work, whether it be to expand their reach, launch a new project or enhance the delivery of existing programs.

As well as joining the Yidan Prize Foundation’s global education community, the 2023 Yidan Prize laureates will become part of the Yidan Council of Luminaries—a gathering of the brightest minds in education who come together to exchange ideas, build bridges between research and practice, and act as a collective voice to address some of the biggest challenges facing education today.

“The Yidan Prize champions changemakers committed to creating a better world through education and supports them with resources to scale and grow their work,” said Ms Mabel Woo, Deputy Secretary-General, the Yidan Prize Foundation. “We are pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the 2023 Yidan Prize. We look forward to learning about education research and initiatives that are making a difference for young people across the world.”

Nominations for the 2023 Yidan Prize are now open and will close on 31 March 2023. To learn more about making a Yidan Prize nomination, visit the Yidan Prize Foundation website:

Source: indianeducationdiary, 3/11/22

Current Affairs-November 24, 2022



– India carries out successful training launch of Agni-3 IRBM (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile) from APJ Abdul Kalam Island

– 400th birth anniversary of Lachit Barphukan being celebrated in Delhi on Nov 23-25

 Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying announces National Gopal Ratna Awards 2022 for dairying sector

– More than 25,000 ponds constructed under Mission Amrit Sarovar to overcome water crisis in rural areas

– Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw inaugurates Entrepreneurship Cell and Centre of Innovation at C-DOT campus, Delhi

– Mizoram govt. to provide shelter to 270 tribals of Chin-Kuki community who fled from Bangladesh

– Religious freedom, related human rights in India under threat: USCIRF (US Commission for International Religious Freedom)

– SC asks centre to show mechanism adopted in appointment of Election Commissioner Arun Goel

– SC to have specialised benches for criminal, tax, land issues, MACT (motor accidents claims tribunal) matters

– Indian govt.’s requests to Meta for user data up slightly at 55,497 in H1 of 2022


– Govt notifies inclusion of coronary stents in National List of Essential Medicines

– FDI equity inflows dip 14% during April-September to $26.9 billion: DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)

– Inox Green Energy Services (IGESL) makes dismal debut; lists at 8% discount over issue price

– Job search portal rebranded to


– NASA’s Orion spacecraft makes closest flyby of Moon at 130 kms distance

– European Parliament designates Russia as state sponsor of terrorism


– Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports announces the Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Awards for the year 2021

– FIFA World Cup in Qatar: Japan beat Germany 2-1, Spain thrash Costa Rica 7-0 in Group E matches

Current Affairs- November 25, 2022



– SC questions Centre’s “tearing hurry” in appointing ex-bureaucrat Arun Goel as Election Commissioner

– UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) asks state governments, entities to verify Aadhaar before accepting it

– Navies of India and Oman conduct exercise ‘Naseem Al Bahr’ off the coast of Oman


– India’s urban unemployment rate declines to 7.2% in July-September 2022: NSO (National Statistical Office)

– Tata Consumer to acquire packaged water giant Bisleri for ₹7,000 crore from Ramesh Chauhan

– CPCL (Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd), IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd) sign JV agreement for Rs 31,580 crore refinery at Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu

– Keystone Realtors shares climb over 3% in stock market debut trade


– 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP 19) at CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) being held at Panama City from Nov 14 to 25

– 22nd Council of Ministers’ meeting of IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association) held at Dhaka, Bangladesh

– Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar, Minister of State for Health, participates in 3rd Global High-Level Conference on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) in Muscat, Oman

– India to send helicopter unit to UN peacekeeping operations in Mali known as Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)

– Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim sworn in as new PM

– Pakistan: LG Asim Munir appointed as new Chief of Army Staff

– Dominican Republic expels 1,800 migrant children to Haiti: UNICEF