
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Vedanta - Education is the Key

We are schooled to know about our society and nature but not about ourselves, especially the nature of our mind and our spiritual potential. Even as adults and senior citizens, we remain ignorant of the mischievousness of our mind and the magnanimity of our heart.Our outward inquisitiveness is rarely turned inward, except at moments when we are struck by grief or crisis. Even those sombre moments do not kindle inward inquiry but leave us in sad quietude. Our turbulent psyche with endless desires seeks false security through material gains and tries to escape the aching void through sensual pleasures.
We need to free our mind from limitations and desires.The psychic energy of our thoughts and emotions has to be negated for us to access the tranquil and intelligent energy in the core of our be ing. It is cellu lar transfor mation with life-sustaining biochemicals revitalised that actualises the blissful state of mind and body .
Every religion expounds this ultimate goal. In Hinduism, it is atman, or soul, in Islam it is rooh, and in Christianity it is `the holy spirit'.
Education means bringing out the potential. Our education focuses on intelligence quotient, or IQ, but overlooks the most vital spiritual quotient, or SQ. The lopsided education system leads to all-round sickness precipitated by the scourge of stress. Only by infusing SQ with IQ in education can there be hope of enlivening human nature. All the `human resource development' training programmes prove to be futile, unless the real source of humanity -that is the spirit -is developed.