
Monday, August 17, 2015

Economic & Political Weekly: Table of Contents

The Reserve Bank and the Government

Is there a larger design in the disrespect this government is showing towards institutions?

Politics of Immunisation

The health ministry's move on HPV vaccine feasibility is ill-advised.
Stay tuned for the continuing broadcast of Newspeak from the Ministry of Truth.
The way in which the secular practice of yoga is being saffronised by a government that has made it compulsory for the armed and paramilitary forces looks like yet another attempt to supplement colonial model-based recruitment on the basis of...
The contraction of India's merchandise trade, both exports and imports, from December 2014 is a worrying development, even if it has led to a temporary improvement in trade balance. The substantial decline in international oil prices, and its...
The decennial National Sample Survey on health and education provides useful information on the health and education of the population. The summary report on health from the 71st round conducted in 2014 allows us to make an initial assessment of...
Farmers' unions and political parties have been demanding the implementation of the Swaminathan minimum support price (cost plus 50%) to address agrarian crisis and farmers' distress. But they have not raised demands for the...
This article analyses the 15th Annual India-Russia Summit of December 2014. It situates the traditionally strong Indo-Russian strategic ties in a post-Cold War world in which multiple new power centres are set to emerge.
Book Reviews
Nature without Borders edited by Mahesh Rangarajan, M D Madhusudan and Ghazala Shahabuddin, New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, 2014; pp 270, Rs 535, hardcover.
Book Reviews
Technology and Rural Change in Eastern India 1830-1980by Smritikumar Sarkar; New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014; pp 355, Rs 895.
The Vyapam scam of Madhya Pradesh is not the familiar story of exam cheating. It is about the mutation of exam cheating into a service industry facilitated by the State. Understanding it requires a look at the political economy of a hollowed-out...
Special Articles
Government elementary schools are layered institutions that are affected by a bureaucratic administration, the specificities of local societies, and the agency of teachers. Although promoted as an agency and institution of democracy, modernity...
Special Articles
This essay traces the evolution of development finance institutions in India from conception and birth, soon after independence, through infancy to adulthood and maturity, followed by a winding down at the turn of the century and closure in the...
Special Articles
A study conducted among law enforcement officials in seven countries across Asia by the Asia Safe Abortion Partnership to measure the level of knowledge, attitude and awareness of women’s rights as well as safe and legal abortion shows lack...
It has been a difficult period for university education in India, with the controversy around the four-year undergraduate programme joining the old complaints about lack of autonomy, political interference, financial ill-health, and deteriorating...
Two responses to Nivedita Menon's "Is Feminism about 'Women'? A Critical View on Intersectionality from India" (EPW, 25 April 2015) appreciate the article's attempt to initiate a debate on "intersectionality."...
This is a brief critique of some of the positions put forth in Nivedita Menon’s article “Is Feminism about ‘Women’? A Critical View on Intersectionality from India” (25 April 2015). The paper covered diverse and...
Economic Notes
To estimate gross value added for the manufacturing sector, the 2011-12 National Accounts Statistics series follows the "single deflation" instead of the "double deflation" method. In this note, it is argued that the double...
The hanging of Yakub Memon betrays the trust of the Indian state in his return of the wealth of information he had provided against the perpetrators of the Bombay bomb blasts of 1993.
Our biological propensity to fictionalise the world makes reality a shared belief, not a fact or a mere aggregation of experiences.
The stereotypical image of women—including those in science—as sentimental beings with strong notions of sacrifice and duty is unquestionably heteropatriarchal.