
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Positive Attitude

A senior officer of a large banking conglomerate was addressing newly recruited personnel. He exhorted them to be the `right employee'. Elaborating the phrase, he explained that a `right employee' should have three qualities: delivering right customer service, practising right compliance, and exhibiting the right attitude.The meaning of the phrases `customer service' and `compliance' drove home instantly .However, the import of `right attitude', or the more commonly used phrase, `positive attitude', is ambivalent to many of us. So also it seemed the case with the audience there. The quizzical expression on their faces revealed they were at sea.What is `right attitude'? The speaker explained that delivering right customer service and practising right compliance `happily' is `right attitude'.
An employee with positive attitude will enjoy doing `right' things. The motto of a person with positive attitude will be, `Don't complain, don't blame'.We do find people sulking all the time while doing their duty .
Reluctance in doing work betrays lack of positive attitude.A person with a positive attitude will never react, rather respond positively . Positive attitude imbues all our actions with positive vibes. A person with positive attitude will not feign helplessness in doing things.The hallmark of positive attitude is helping others.
All this radiates on the face of the person practising it. It's not for nothing it's been said that it matters not so much what you do, but how you do it. That makes a world of difference.