New nutrition report underscores the importance of leadership in addressing stunting in India
Bill Gates and Ratan Tata
W hen people around the world think of India they imagine bustling cities, lively markets, buzzing technology centres, and a young and vibrant workforce.Human capital is one of India's greatest assets. Yet, the world's fastest growing econo my hasn't touched millions o Indian citizens at the bottom of the economic pyramid in parti cular, the 44 million children un der the age of five who are stun ted because they aren't getting enough of the right nutrition.
Nutrition is key to unlocking every child's potential. Well nourished children are better equipped to fend off diseases They do better in school. And they grow up to become more productive members of society .
A major new study , the Glo bal Nutrition Report, releasing today in Delhi, shows that India has made progress towards ensuring that every child can achieve their potential. Between 2006 and 2014, stunting among children under the age of five dropped from 48% to 39% almost double the rate of decli ne compared to the previous seven-year period. Nearly al Indian states achieved declines proving that progress is possible in every part of the country.
But the fact remains that nearly four of every 10 young children growing up in India today are not getting enough of the right kinds of nutrition to help their body and mind grow to their full potential. And in states such as Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, the report found that declines have been much slower than the nationa average, indicating the issue is particularly entrenched.
These 44 million children are not just a statistic in a report. They are India's future and every single one of them de serves a chance to live a healthy and productive life.
Improving nutrition in India is key to India's continued economic prosperity . It's also the right thing to do from the standpoint of equity . Based on our organisations' work on nut rition in India, we believe there are three components to addres sing the problem.
First, India needs better in formation to design effective nutrition interventions and track progress. For too long, po licy makers have had to rely on outdated and incomplete statis tics to make policy decisions in India. Nutrition data has to be collected more frequently and consistently across regions to ensure that children are getting the nutrition they need.
The release of Unicef 's Ra pid Survey on Children last year marked a positive step forward in providing relevant data fil ling a key information gap that had existed for nearly a decade.Government endorsement of key nutrition indicators and collection of relevant data every two or three years by each state is an important and necessary step to monitor progress.
Collecting better data is only part of the solution, however.Using that information to drive more effective nutrition interventions is critical.
Cost-effective solutions already are at our fingertips better nutrition and healthcare in the 1,000 days between a mother's pregnancy and her child's second birthday, ensuring that women and girls get the nutrition they need, food fortification to address micronutrient deficiencies, and community programmes that address the needs of children with severe acute malnutrition. And states that have made good progress on nutrition can share best practices with high-burden states and strengthen the government's thinking and action on nutrition.
Finally and most importantly political leadership is essential. India has shown the political will to prioritise programmes that can eliminate malnutrition, but a shared sense of responsibility across all levels of government and sectors of society is required to end malnutrition. In particular, the government's proposed National Nutrition Mission will play a key role in strengthening work across different ministries and departments to deliver against the national nutrition targets.
India has the know-how and financial capacity to ensure that every child not only survives, but thrives. That has to start in a child's early years with enough of the right kinds of nutrition.We believe the Indian people share our commitment to this, and we are optimistic that by working together it is well within reach for India to tackle this very solvable challenge.
Bill Gates is co-chair and trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ratan Tata is chair of the board of the Tata Trusts
Nutrition is key to unlocking every child's potential. Well nourished children are better equipped to fend off diseases They do better in school. And they grow up to become more productive members of society .
A major new study , the Glo bal Nutrition Report, releasing today in Delhi, shows that India has made progress towards ensuring that every child can achieve their potential. Between 2006 and 2014, stunting among children under the age of five dropped from 48% to 39% almost double the rate of decli ne compared to the previous seven-year period. Nearly al Indian states achieved declines proving that progress is possible in every part of the country.
But the fact remains that nearly four of every 10 young children growing up in India today are not getting enough of the right kinds of nutrition to help their body and mind grow to their full potential. And in states such as Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, the report found that declines have been much slower than the nationa average, indicating the issue is particularly entrenched.
These 44 million children are not just a statistic in a report. They are India's future and every single one of them de serves a chance to live a healthy and productive life.
Improving nutrition in India is key to India's continued economic prosperity . It's also the right thing to do from the standpoint of equity . Based on our organisations' work on nut rition in India, we believe there are three components to addres sing the problem.
First, India needs better in formation to design effective nutrition interventions and track progress. For too long, po licy makers have had to rely on outdated and incomplete statis tics to make policy decisions in India. Nutrition data has to be collected more frequently and consistently across regions to ensure that children are getting the nutrition they need.
The release of Unicef 's Ra pid Survey on Children last year marked a positive step forward in providing relevant data fil ling a key information gap that had existed for nearly a decade.Government endorsement of key nutrition indicators and collection of relevant data every two or three years by each state is an important and necessary step to monitor progress.
Collecting better data is only part of the solution, however.Using that information to drive more effective nutrition interventions is critical.
Cost-effective solutions already are at our fingertips better nutrition and healthcare in the 1,000 days between a mother's pregnancy and her child's second birthday, ensuring that women and girls get the nutrition they need, food fortification to address micronutrient deficiencies, and community programmes that address the needs of children with severe acute malnutrition. And states that have made good progress on nutrition can share best practices with high-burden states and strengthen the government's thinking and action on nutrition.
Finally and most importantly political leadership is essential. India has shown the political will to prioritise programmes that can eliminate malnutrition, but a shared sense of responsibility across all levels of government and sectors of society is required to end malnutrition. In particular, the government's proposed National Nutrition Mission will play a key role in strengthening work across different ministries and departments to deliver against the national nutrition targets.
India has the know-how and financial capacity to ensure that every child not only survives, but thrives. That has to start in a child's early years with enough of the right kinds of nutrition.We believe the Indian people share our commitment to this, and we are optimistic that by working together it is well within reach for India to tackle this very solvable challenge.
Bill Gates is co-chair and trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ratan Tata is chair of the board of the Tata Trusts