
Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Karma Sanyasa: State Of Supreme Culmination

What is action or karma, and what is its cardinal spirit? The relative change of position of objects is termed karma. This can never be performed beyond the periphery of time, space and person.The relative change of place of objects presupposes the very existence of time, space and person. Karma sanyasi is cardinal spirit of action. The word sanyasa is derived from the terms sam or sat and nyasa. Sat refers to the unchangeable Entity . Sanyasa implies one's total identification with that unchangeable Entity .
Karma sanyasa is possible only when each factor of time, space and person comes within the scope of actual relationship with the subjective bearing; that is, time factor with the eternal Entity , space with the all-pervading Entity and the personal factor with the Supreme shelter. That is why karma sanyasa is a state of supreme culmination.
It is the natural rule of the universe that those who possess immense knowledge are quite conscious of their intellectual limitations, whereas people with superficial knowledge think just the opposite. The genuine way of learning for seekers of knowledge is to consider always that they know nothing.
You can execute ordinary types of work with your own little intellect. But if you aspire to undertake any noble ventures, then you have to unite your own intellect with Cosmic Intellect, and work with the help of the Supreme knowledge of Parama Purusha.
As the evolutionary process pr As the evolutionary process proceeds usually from crude towards the subtle, to make your own intellect subtle, take ideation of the subtlest entity not to remain engrossed in crude objects. With constant ideation of the Supreme, the mind will gradually attain more and more subtlety and will ultimately be converted into the subtlest entity . After this, the sense of separation in the microcosm ceases to exist, and it becomes one with the Cosmic Mind.
When the unit intellect arrives at this highest point, it becomes one with Supreme Intellect.
When Supreme Conscious ness remains in His original stance, He is called Para Brahmn. But when that Para Brahmn is transmuted into different ideas or objects, then Supreme Consciousness is termed Apara Brahmn. Attachment towards Apara Brahmn is called aparabhakti, and intense love for Para Brahmn is called parabhakti.Karma sanyasa is only possible for those people whose goal of life is Para Brahmn. When the mind leaves all objects and es towards the Supreme Entity , that's races towards the Supreme Entity , that's bhakti. When spiritualists move towards the Supreme their minds are unknowingly and gradually transformed. A caterpillar does not know when it changes into a butterfly . Similarly, the mind of a spiritualist does not know how it changes; one day it simply realises that it is not longer a unit mind. When one's individual and personal feelings are completely removed from the mind, at that moment one begins to advance, and the Supreme State is attained.
The spiritualist should adopt exactly the same sort of loving attitude as Parama Purusha has for His children. You should also cultivate this kind of love towards society which is the offspring of Paramatma, and according to natural law, you will certainly attain this love, for it is totally natural. There is no other way to attain Paramatma than to render selfless service to the world.