
Friday, November 25, 2016

 Know vs Understand

What does one have to understand about life? You have many centres: intellectual centre, emotional centre, and body centre.In each centre, there is a mechanical and magnetic part. The mechanical part acts like a machine, while the magnetic part acts with ore awareness. Your mechanical movements and thinking have to change. Your mechanical emotions like jealousy and hatred have to be overcome. You can do this by bringing in more awareness. When you increase awareness, even poison can turn into medicine; and with no awareness, medicine can become poison.In a relationship, is it not necessary to judge? Keep yourself relaxed. Increase your awareness and love. Not to judge should not be a conclusion. Don't make it a demand or compulsion. Let there be a choice. There is a difference between `should' and `choice'. `Should' creates stress; it limits you to only one option. Don't judge. It is not a demand but a wise choice.
What should one be really aware of ? Negative emotions poison. Like avoiding poisonous food, avoid negative emotions.Don't identify with them. Don't participate in them. Choose to create a new will, not be driven by negative emotions. For example, somebody's success should not be your failure. We define our failure by somebody's success. We feel jealous seeing someone successful.Jealousy is a great poison.
Compete with your potential.Even if you compete with others, enjoy it. See beauty all around. Do not define your success and failure by someone's success and failure.